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Ebgames Firm Ship Date


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It could possibly come out on the 25th..and we are all wishing that it does. Of course I agree with swediot=)


Originally posted by swediot=)

really thats cool.... but im not trusting any release dates until it comes fromthe devs themselves..... where have i heard that before


Because I too want to hear it right from the devs.

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Originally posted by Mujahid

So, for the record:


2. They have NOT given us a date for when the NDA will be lifted.


Every person with a brain here probally relised that, guys only trut things from the devs. Deffintley the release date. :)

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hehe, you know i have wanted to pre-order my copy for a while now and just havent been able to bring myself to it with all the pushes on the release for this game, whatching ppl scramble and contemplate the release date reminds me of my nephews argueing over yu gi oh cards or pokeyurmom, i think its great, i guess ill drop the money for it an get it over with, then maybe i can stress over when i will get my moneys worth outta it, i just wish the devs would give a date... oh wait they did that already, lol, im not gonna sweat it, just kick and wait, i mean if they kept pushing it so much then we should expect a game that will flip our friggin lids, patience young jedi ... hehe

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I went into EB games yesterday and paid for the CE.


I asked the sales rep "where" they got thier release date from. Not when it was going to be released, but where the info came from.


She looks into her computer and says 26 June. I sadly shook my head, grabbed my reciept and left to go cry in my car.



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Shame i won't be around to play the game for the first 2 weeks! I'm going on holiday to tenerife on the 27 of this month so i will most likely have to miss the first 2 weeks due to the 3 day shipping it takes to ship to UK. Well anyway, i'll be gettin the tan of my life whilst you lot will be goin for 2 weeks without any sun at all, stuck in your study playin the game 24-7. Damn, i envy you!!!!

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Originally posted by Wouldzey

Shame i won't be around to play the game for the first 2 weeks! I'm going on holiday to tenerife on the 27 of this month so i will most likely have to miss the first 2 weeks due to the 3 day shipping it takes to ship to UK. Well anyway, i'll be gettin the tan of my life whilst you lot will be goin for 2 weeks without any sun at all, stuck in your study playin the game 24-7. Damn, i envy you!!!!


You're not going to miss anything, because as sure as I'm typing this, the game is NOT going to be in anyone's hands this month.


If we're LUCKY...in the *extreme*....we might see a release in July.

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