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*glances at Neil's flying horse and turns it into a most uncomfortable flying broom*


Why are you all looking....(reads thread.) Oh. Whoops. Um...


*turns Neil's broom back into a horse*

*gives Deadmeat a cooler flying horse*


Move along, folks, nothing to see here. I didn't do anything to Joshi's horse and I am most certainly NOT a wi-.....well, whatever you were talking about.


To retain a shred of on-topicness, welcome madmonkeygal!

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Kjolen, glad you could be with us. :D So just what the hell do you have to say for yourself, young man?


NANI?! O.o;;;

Why am I in front of all these people? I'm scared.

Um, People... Zoom's got free jaguars to whoever is the first to grab his tie.


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Ah, yes...I see. Glasstaco is flying just fine, only he isn't a horse. He's a forty-foot weasel who stays aloft without wings. I'm not sure how it works, but it's apparent that his inherent bouyancy is lighter that that of the atmosphere.


Screw the horse--my kingdom for a tricorder. ;)


Neil--did you bring duct tape and rope? Improvise, man...

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okay, well then i used a potion. actually, that's **** too. i don't want to wink at it. please don't make me wink at it and bob my head up and down. could somebody wink at it for me? i don't like wand-made horses. they're even worse than homemade horses. or homemade soup. i don't even want to think about homemade soup *shudders*

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wall...how about brick. or adobe. or ben stein.


i shall name it....are you ready?....................................................................adobrick! no, wait. bridobe? ah, who gives a flying f***.


it's name is jewel. kilcher. intuition. 0304. yeah, that's it. 0304. that's the name.


just like my neighbor's sister named her fish lil' ritchie.

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no, homemade soup!! i'm melting...


0304, scoop me up into the bucket next to you and stick my eyes and mouth on the front. then we'll make our getaway! *0304 does as he is told, they start flying away* yes!! yes!!! we're getting away! whoopdeedoo! yay! hooray! i'm not really that happy, but whatever. *in stupid little fairy tale 'disbelief' voice, you know what i'm talking about, right?* wow, it's so beautiful up here. i could fly and fly for as long as i liv- *hits wall that appeared from a cloud* *falls on his side and ends up looking down, sees andy wink* damn you!!!

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