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Which Martial Art is it?


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There are quite a few sword-related martial arts.


The most famous one is Kendo, the japanese martial art that trains with katanas. There are also many forms of Kung fu that use swords (sabers, specificially). Tai chi also has it's own sword discipline.


I can't think of any that train you to use 2 swords at a time (trying to be Anakin, are you? ;)), but there are some that teach you to wield a weapon in each hand (like the Sai). Phillipino stick-fighting utilizes Escrima sticks, one in each hand. My weapons training is pretty limited, but i'm sure someone can think of some more.

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Not really Anakin, but I was pretty blown off by that British dude in Shanghai Knights. He wielded two swords against Jackie Chan, but his fighting style is a lot like fencing.


And if I'm not wrong, Sai is a sword, right?

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Well, if you want a well rounded martial art experiance with 19 traditional Chinese weapons then you may want to check out Kung Fu San Soo (the art actually began as a sword fighting system, which can be seen in some of the hand to hand movements... but now adays its more of a hand to hand martial art with alittle weapons). But if you want to get REALLY good at just one particular set of weapons and don't care about incorporation hand strikes, leverages etc along with your sword wielding then you should look elsewhere... Maybe Escrima would be more in your line?


One of the two traditional Wing Chun weapons is two butterfly knives which can easily be remplaced with two swords and still retain the same basic techniques. But I wouldn't really reccomend doing Wing Chun if you ONLY want two handed sword work.


BTW, isn't a Sai a short three pronged (middle pronge much longer) iron or metal thrusting weapon?


Anyways... it really just depends if you want other martial art practice or just pure weapons (swords) that would decide what would be the best martial art for you.

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Oh yeah, Sai is that you described. I knew I heard of that somewhere


I think the only art I know that is totally on swords is Kendo. And that is the most common. I dont think I can find Eskrima here in my country ( Singapore )


Dang, I forgot my manners. Thanks :)

Any more information you'd like to share. It doesn't hurt to contribute, be it right or wrong.

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Originally posted by Silent_Thunder

BTW, isn't a Sai a short three pronged (middle pronge much longer) iron or metal thrusting weapon?


Remember Raphael from the turtles? There you you go. (who's got too much time on their hands to remember stuff like that?)

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