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Starsider Weeps


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Hey, I am a noob with RPG's...SWG will be my first. Can someone please tell me what the big deal with the Starside server? Seems like this discussion is all over the internet....it's more important than the release of the game to most people???? What gives?



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Starsider is supposed to be the unofficial Role Playing server. Most people on these forums are the Rping type of people, so almost all of them have decided to go there. In fact, they've coordinated their Player Associations to go to Starsider. With it not up at release, it would mean a couple HUGE PA's homeless so-to-speak.

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You people are expecting the wait for Starsider to be forever. Q said its probably only gonna be a week or so.


Do you realize how much game time is one week...especially for us youngsters not having school. I figure a week is about 100 hours of game time, and for some of us more.


calling you a n00b because you actually wanted to do a quest and used a necromancer or paladin


*tear* good old teethmancer ill miss you!!! and my good old corpsie sploding corpse 2 screens wide...good times. And cant forget the Paladin who thought he could but couldnt. *tear* *sniff*


Hey, I am a noob with RPG's...SWG will be my first. Can someone please tell me what the big deal with the Starside server? Seems like this discussion is all over the internet....it's more important than the release of the game to most people???? What gives?


Don't get caught up in the whole idea of power playing or RPing. Just do what you want. RPG games are about playing somebody else and doing what YOU want to do not what everyone else is forcing you to do or calling you a "noob" for not doing it.

Just make sure not to piss people off and you'll have a great time.


Starside is so important to 'us' because it will be almost all roleplayers and no powergamers tweaking out the perfect powerhouses.*cough*DiabloII*cough* And as roleplayers we like to have are peace and quiet away from the unrealistic power-gamers.



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Best part of your life is your 40's. You still have bills, but you don't care. Your car insurance is better than the kid that just hit your car. Your own kids are almost out of the house. Your cat is too old to drop birds on your front deck. White Zombie still sounds good. Sex is great.

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OH, I forgot the best one...I'm going deaf in one ear so I don't hear my husband snore anymore. Live is great in my 40's. You can blame almost ANYTHING on dementia.


Oh, another, you don't have to work for anyone you don't like. Young doctors are afraid to get on my bad side. They know the women run their practice. mwahahahahaha


Did I mention sex is great? Oh wait, this is a PG site.

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LOL good times..... good times.........But i dont want to get onyor badside or anything but.t.t.t.........Ummmmm you could of edited the first post and put the rest of that stuff in the first post.......But who am i to say right..........

"Sprints away frome comp and hides under his bed.........:eek: !!!!!!"

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You know it has gone so far off topic when you have to scroll back to the top to figure out what the hell the topic was....:D


Yeh Danyx, my wife rules this roost. And not with a whip or anything. It is just that if I don't take care of her properly, my life is so much worse. Not only that but she is hot. And I love her.






Bus crashes, horrible explosions .... Deadthreaders everywhere....:burst1:

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But your missing the whole point. Its not about how much your bills are or how much insurance you have or how big your house and car are but about how happy you are. Which is why you think the 40s are the best years of your life. But I bet when you were a teen you thought that was the best and your 20s and 30s. I think thats kick ass that you feel your life is getting better the more you age, most people feel worse...i mean you take deafness optimisticaly thats kick ass.


My Dad is 50 years old this year and is probably in the best shape of his life. He has decided to stop taking **** from other people and just live his life how he wants to. That is so kick ass.


Like the qoute The Best Part Of Life Is Life and this totally depends on your view of life not necisarily your life style.


I'm starting to rant so I'll stop talking.


I Am What I Think You Think I Am



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