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Darth Ball

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1) Type into the console 'dir maps' then you pick the one you want then enter it in the console (i.e 'map mapname') without the quotes.


2) You can only do that if you d/l a skin that can do that.(I think)


3) By editing a cfg in the JO folder. I can't remember which one right now.

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Originally posted by DANIELJOHNSON

ok then how do you change model in mp with the console


Well, you know that you can change the player model in-game in MP. But ehre are some 'hidden' skins you can only get through the console. To get these, type:


\model imperial/officer

\model imperial/commander

\model jedi/2

\model reborn/acrobat

\model reborn/fencer

\model reborn/forceuser


I think there'a nother reborn but I can't remember what it is...

To change the model in SP you need a 'mod' to put in your 'base' folder. You can't just change the model in the middle of a game. You can get some SP model mods here along with other SP mods (different levels etc).


Hope that helps...


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