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I cant really teach you myself, but i can point you towards a very helpful guide that covers everything you need to know about 3D characters:




*Just dont use the meshsmooth modifier! keep it low poly*


Get yourself a working CD of 3D studio max 4.x+...apply the knowledge you acquired from the tutorial to create your character.


Next you will have to follow the mandatory steps to rig and export a character for JK2...check out my tutorials for that


Good luck.

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my tutorial covers basic pk3 stuff...


You have to use winzip...


Making a .PK3:


Very simple, create a directory on a root drive (meaning a new folder not a sub-folder) install winzip if not already installed...lets call it "packaging" create a sub-folder models/players/"the name of your player model" spaces are not allowed use _ underscore instead. Put your .glm, texture and skin files in there...next right click the "models" sub-dir and select add to zip file, that should create a zip file called models.zip, rename to "yourplayername.pk3" and thats it.

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