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How upset I am today (


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Originally posted by caydo

Ok now that Im finally ontop of the roof How The F do I get down since I cant fall in this game either?


help P


One would assume that you get off the roof the same way you got up: the stairs.


Originally posted by Exar_reborn

Ok I know that this is kinda outta thought but what about Jedi? I mean in the movies that was one thing they were freakin awsome at. The rafter battles in episode 1, luke doing his spinning front flip over the guys. cmon I think it would be atleast decent if in the space expantion that they added jumping into a special move. Like in TK or swords. Just to be more realistic. Now if you can somehow some way manage to get stuck in a fight like that. I'm willing to take it.


Ok, I agree with that. Jedi should have some rad jumping moves. However, I think we should just leave it to the 1% of players that become Jedi to petition.

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