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We did warn them, they didn't listen. We also warned you too.


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Well it's the release day for SWG, although my imported copy isn't due for a couple days it seems that I'm not missing anything since the majority of people can't even get into the game anyway.


I look at the subscriber only forums and laugh, i think look at Lucasarts and Sony and think to myself "We told you it wasn't ready" because yes.. I was one of the beta testers. Now admittedly we were never given the ability to test the subscription software or anything so it wasn't even something I cpould have predicted but you would have thought they'd mass tested it rather than letting it simply be checked internally by a handfull of playtesters. Some people have made it into the game and the early reactions aren't great either from what i've gathered.


Only a few days ago when the NDA was dropped most of the playtesters went into the SWG public forums and warned everyone in advance not to expect too much, the game might have some parts fixed but there's a good 30% of the game which isn't. The devs still didn't fix the crashing and graphical issues at the end of beta so no doubt they are still happening too and frankly if it crashes regularly then it's not ready for release in my (and others) opinion (s).


But did the fans who haven't tested it thank us for the warning? Hell no, we were slagged off and told to shut up by people who thought that we were simply the focal minority who were exagerating. I said than that we have warned you in advance and if they complained I'd say I did warn you... thus...


We did warn you about this so shut up and deal with it!

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Uh, I'd just like to know what's your point? Why'd you come onto this forum just to say that? Maybe you're angry at some supressed childhood memories or something, but please don't come onto our forums and tell us to shut up. So the game has bugs, all games do. So you told us that there were bugs, we knew that. So we didn't thank you for "warning" us, nobody likes to listen to other people complain. But fine, if appreciation is all that you're after then here:


Thank you.

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Uh, I'd just like to know what's your point?


Like i said, we had people telling us to shut up since the NDA was lifted. Do onto others as you would have them do unto you. I just wanted to say this to have a chance to snap back at everyone who treated those beta testers who spoke out like the scum of the earth.


My thirst for justice is satisfied, lock or delete at your conveniance if you want.

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I love this, it's like sitting by the side of the road waiting for the car crash to happen because you know it ahead of time!


This morning the official SWG forums were empty, then slowly people started posting how happy they were that they finally were able to post and how great it was to finally be part of SWG etc etc... SO anyways, in a two hour time frame, the happy-go-lucky people turned vicious! Cursing the Devs etc etc...




I just sat back and watched/read what I knew would happen...

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