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[rant] is it really so hard to just...


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Ok I have seen today all over the offical SWG message boards today people complaining about how the server they wanted to play on isnt up, so they refuse to play the game period. The reasoning behind all of this? because they decided either with there group of friends or PA that this is the server for them, so they got it drilled in there head that they need to stay on this server.


For those that dont know yet, all the servers are exactly the same. just because starsider has an unoffical role play server by its name doesnt mean you cant role play on all the other servers. SOE encourages role playing in the entire game period no matter what server you play on. As you probably know all the players are trying to go to starsider because of this, and as you know that has created some massive problems, and its not SOE's fault. One server cant support the whole community, and that is what is going on with starsider, over 50% of the SWG players have tried to make a character on starsider today even though other servers were available to them.


Please for the love of god just take your PA or friends to another server. Its not going to kill you to do it because they are all the same.


The most frustrated players I have seen are those that havent played yet because the server they want so badly isnt up yet. All they have to do is move to another one that is up and working, and at this time that is 8 different servers.


I think it sucks to see players already quitting after the second day of the offical release based solely off of the fact that the server they decided to play on since beta wasnt up today. But if these players really arent capable of using common sense then I guess its best they leave anyways. :rolleyes:


/me steps off of soup box and goes back to having fun in SWG

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Originally posted by Daneel

Well, frankly - If the leadership of the PA is so stubborn and immature, I would join another server anyways, and quit the PA.


Of course, I'm playing more for my enjoyment than with a PA in mind. :r2d2:


Are you calling me stubern?

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frankly? right now I don't care...8 servers are up so alot of them are full...so I'm just taking my character to a light server and learning the game. Later on I'll create one with my PA when things start to level off and people move off of starsider for lag free grounds.


Even with the early stumbles I'm in awe of this game and I havn't even got special clothing, a good gun, PA members around me, high level missions, or even a declared imperial thingy (mainly because I can't find the imperial recruiter on Corellia), but even without those I'm loving this game...early kinks are working out...a real economy is just starting to emerge...although it'll still take a while before I see some armor on the market apparently. But I am happy I grabbed a decent crappy weapon...tiny bit better than the normal crappy weapon because it was made by an artisan.

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you might want to check out the bazaar because everytime I check it, its loaded with items up for sale that people have crafted. :) and they are pretty cheap to. I sell my items varily cheapily. Never over 50 credits, although I imagine ill end up raising my prices as things get settled in. A lot of the servers might change over the next few days, we could even see servers like starsider become completely empty and another server take its place as being the biggest.


As for the PA being stubborn and immature comment, yeah I agree. If your PA comes onto the offical SWG boards like many have and start demanding, yes these players are actually demanding that there server of choice be up now or they threaten to quit the game, that is pretty stubborn and immature.


Players with group of friends are doing the samething.


yes its up to them to move, but do they have a right to complain about it when they choose to not move? no.


Do they have a right to go play on another server, but when they choose not to they have a right to complain about it? no.


The player community needs to help each other and SOE. SOE is helping us, so lets help them and each other out. If more players would just calm down then everything would be fine.

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