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A Modeling Question


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Hi Im just working on my lastest project and was going to perform a boolean operation to attach a breast to the torso... Before attaching the geosphere breast I capped the holes in my mesh... Now this cut the polycount from 1,300 to 869 to my amazement as I have never used the Cap Holes command before.


Now my question... Would this affect my model in anyway if I capped the holes after finishing the entire mesh and would the poly count stay down because of this?


Just a thought... Its probably used out there by all modelers apart from myself :D

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I stay away from booleans and cap holes, i prefer to have full control over every vert/face.


If your polycount was reduced this much, make sure your object didnt turn into an editable POLY which is different than editable MESH.


Editable meshes make quads (faces) using tris (triangle) NOT in Editable POLY mode: a face is only 1 quad (no edge dividing the face).


I think you'll have to convert it to editable mesh at some point or it wont be a valid mesh for JK2.

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