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The Backcover Of The Box

JedEye Knight

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Indeed, note the "Sample Package Only" tag, and it is also missing the area with the green/yellow boxes where it shows what the game supports(Xbox Live and such)


Although these can be easily added, I will believe the one I hold in my hands.


Although this one is a nice one. :D

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I like this box too. i look at it everytime I go into my gaming store, but I doubt it will be the real box for the reasons that StarScream stated. :)


BTW, I saw a huge KoTOR cutout in fron of my gaming store yesterday. It was from the front of the box, but was really big and had "coming soon" down at the bottom.



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Either that box is wrong, or i missed something, it says 8 planets, i thought there were 7 and 3 other places that were not planets. That box also says 50 force powers, but in the 21 min video he ays 40-44 force powers. I doubt theyt added an entire planet, so what is going on?

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