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well buying the game isnt an issue anymore. a family member bought it today, i didnt get a chance to talk to him about it, but i figured i'd give it a try.


I made a char up and everything, and i think its been about 2 hours now that i havnt even been able to connect to the game. I get this now connecting to a galaxy screen forever.


Plus i got a cable modem and my comp is about as state of the art as it comes.


So this isnt really helping my opinion of the game....

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Try a different server. Some servers r haveing major issues but they will work them out. My main server, StarStrider is down right now but who cares, gives me some time to do homework! An't like SWG has to be your whole life, find stuff to do and if the server don't work make a backup Character. Anyways sry guys about my rant yesterday, just so much going on.

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well dude if u think u wont like the game, then dont buy it, but 1 thing before u go, i am not a star wars geek, i have just become a computer geek, no i am not a nerd, there is a difference, but, one thing i am is a lover of games, i have played video games since i could hold a controler, i went to consoles with nintendo and never went back to pc games till 2000, star wars is a good story but im no fanatic, but i love good games, and the gaming concept presented by this game is amazing, and star wars happens to be a great story for such a game, u could take out star wars and put in another story and it would still be a good game, i mean imagine the amount of work to do what has been done with this game, have u ever read syntax before, its soo much fun, have u ever tried to logically design thought patterns for NPC's before, what they have done with a concept is simply......amazing, yeah its got bugs and ppl bitch about it, but there are alot of children who grasp potential of anything, they want first impression results, not competence but compliance and they will cry about anytihing less,



so i suggest u think about what games u like, not if u like star wars, but what u like to play, and then think if what this game offers is worth 80 or 50 then 140 a year to play,


i havent even been to this message board since the day this game came out i love it soooo much, and remember, i dont care if its star wars or not

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Sinc ethe thread is about the Special Edition i will talk about it. I recently purchased the SE becasue they were sold out of Norma copies everyehre and I couldn't wait any longer. The only good thing that comes out of the SE is you get three pairs of googgles no one else has excpe SE owners in the game and a cool book about the game. SO don't buy it jsut to get the extra stuff, not worth that.

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I personally bought myself the Collectors/Special edition for about 109 dollars Canadian. You know how are money is worth pennies compaired to Americas. Har. Har.


And I don't think it was a waste of money at all. Sure, all you get in game is a pair of glasses, and they don't even really look all that good on the characters, cept Wookies. Heh. And I despise playing a wookie!


With it you get the following...


1) A pewter action figure of a female Zebrak Marksman(?). Now personally I love these things, I'v got about 20 other action figures from puter and such, and I just love to add another. I also bought the EQ collectors edition awhile back, and got that Pewter. This is more of a half full, half empty thing...


2) Offical Art Book. This has to be the trump card of the SE. BEcause I think personally it's almost better then the game itself. I love the art book and really wanted it once I found out you get it with the game. It's just like going back out later and spending the 40 dollars extra for the FF art book, except, you don't spend the 40 dollars this time.


3) Star Wars Pin. Well. I don't care much for this personally, this is much more of a filler then anything I suppose. But ya. Whatever, every cookie jar has a runt. I keep it, because of course, it's a collectors thing.


4) Star Wars Patch. Eh. Two runt cookies. I honestly don't think anyone is ever going to sew/iron this onto their clothing. It seems rather foolis and a waste. Heh...


5) Ingame Glasses. If they gave us something WAY awsome that would also give us a WAY big advantage in the game, it wouldn't be fair. Sure. This way people really don't notice you've bought the collectors edition, but does it really matter? Most games don't even ADD an ingame item. This was just another way to say thanks.


-IT- all comes down to your prefrence and how hardcore of a Star Wars fan you are. I myself am probally a medicore star wars fan, but a HUGE mmorpg fan. And with this promising as much as it does. I personally don't mind waiting on the developed game to eventually have everything they have mentioned. I played UO for ages before anything good started to happen. That was about 3 or four years ago. And by the time I started, those who had been playing even longer, hated the damned game. I now hate it, and have moved on ;P


Well. Thats my two cents, 20 bucks a month isn't bad. Not if you consider what you are paying and playing for. If you arn't going to enjoy the game, then don't buy it. Get something like UO, Diablo, or something else thats cheaper, and allows for less play time, yet as much fun.



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ok this is nothing but a flame and complain thread.



is not finished. have you ever seen a game that was flawless?

is expensive. isnt everything?

is not a FPS. gee they have been telling us that since 2000.


I never played MMORPG.

I am a major star wars fan

i have been in beta the last 3 weeks of it.


I LOVE IT!. with or without the flaws. the trade bug can get me mad yeah.. but if it worls after that.. im ok with it.

the server up and down.... come on it happens with every single game you play online. get over it.


If you dont like it... stop complaining about it here.. we are here cause we ENJOY! the game... not to critic it... ig you want to bad mouth it.. go to a newspaper. or write the people of SONY a bad letter.


thats all/..





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