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Speeders planet to planet?


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I just wanted to know so I can save up and be ready incase I have to buy 10:D lol I think it would be easier to buy one first then worry about armour and such b/c with the coming of speeders you will 3 fold your income with the speed your going at.

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Bah restrictions They should let us drive them thru the cities and do the Austin powers deal with the buggy stuck in the little alley way. lol But I think it would be awsome to just speed thru theed with a pistol and do some drive bys lol. THAT would be awsome.

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Originally posted by Exar_reborn

With the upcoming update with speeders and swoops does anyone know if they will have to stay one the planet purchased/constructed? Or will we beable to bring them to another planet?


What upcoming update?

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On the speeder issue, will you be able to run other PC's over if you were in a duel with them? This could be dodged with the "take cover" skill or the "roll to <position>" skill. I think it would be kinda dumb if you just went through the person... also I am not sure this was confirmed but will the speeders also have a time decay on them like the other items to?

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Originally posted by Duffalpha

it will be so much easyier to get places, like delvery missions, plus you will be able to run from fights and stuff im startin to think that they will be real slow, and there will be zones restricting them


Having a slow "speeder" would kind of be like having "tits on a bull", wouldn't it? (for those of you not from Texas, "Tits on a bull" = "pointless", hehe :) )

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Speaking of which has anyone heard of when they are being released?


I think it would be cool if you ran into things it caused damage and eventually they blew up causing incapacitation..


I.E something like when you are driving in GTA III, that would be cool though I am sure it will be much different.

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Originally posted by Plague

Speaking of which has anyone heard of when they are being released?


I think it would be cool if you ran into things it caused damage and eventually they blew up causing incapacitation..


I.E something like when you are driving in GTA III, that would be cool though I am sure it will be much different.


So you're saying you WANT to waste 20,000 creds or so by buying a nice speeder and see it blow up a little later because you touched a rock?

Or do you want to steal other people's speeders?


This is really not the place for GTA...not at all.

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What I am saying is i think if you bump into another persons speeder and or rocks/trees your speeder should take damage, and after continual ramming into things it should either blow up(if occupied cause incapacitation) or just stop then and there covered in smoke and flames and have say a 5 second count down before it explodes....


That is what i mean by GTA III....


And by saying spending 20k on one to have it explode? if you buy a 20k car and drive it into a large rock or continually crash into other speeders? would it not explode?


I think this would cause a more realistic approach and something like it would be a very cool/fun idea.. I do not feel they should be able to be damaged, and I think it would be cool to have drag races.. killing your enemy by continually ramming them... so I think it does belong to the fact that it is REALISTIC

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Originally posted by Plague

I think this would cause a more realistic approach and something like it would be a very cool/fun idea.. I do not feel they should be able to be damaged, and I think it would be cool to have drag races.. killing your enemy by continually ramming them... so I think it does belong to the fact that it is REALISTIC


The problem I see with this is that it opens up another avenue for griefers. If you took a month or two to scrounge up enough cash for your first speeder, then along comes some complete idiot with nothing better to do than incessantly ram your new speeder, causing it to blow up and incapacitate you, would you think that was "fun"? I wouldn't.


Make it so that the "rammer" is the only one taking damage, and then maybe it could be viable. In other words, make it so that the only speeder *you* could damage is *your own*. I'd go for that.

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I guess I could see that...but would that mean others can just harass you when you're just going from one place to another and knock you out of the air and not even declare a duel? Just because somebody and three of his swoop buddies see you and arbitrarily decide to knock you out of the air...that would suck. And is my only reservation about it. Otherwise I think it'd be cool to have swoop races through beggars canyon anyday.


[edit] heheh, I see we both thought of that at the same time[/edit]

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What a fool


Let's try to remain mature, and not resort to name calling, just because my opinions vary from yours.


I am looking at the concept as a whole..


think of the possibilities.. demolition derbys, no holds bard races from point A to point B, to me it seems to add to roleplaying in a realistic and fun manner

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Maybe It could fall along the same lines as current battling, opposite factions can damage one another, mobs can damage any player vehicle, or you can be damaged if involed in a duel.


When involved in fighting in a vehicle you can attack the vehicle or the person inside.. and possibly make it so that speeder don't get destroyed in a few hits, though if not maintained they can explode, same as any other structure or machinery in the game...


Just my thoughts on some cool things it could add to the game without just being a new means of transportation.

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