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Issues with Medic experience


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I had a medic train me in novice medic. So I go out and start healing people with what I can, and heal my own wounds and what not but none of the medic skills have gone up 1 point since I was taught novice medic. I am using the heal commands that use my mind and action pools instead of medical supplies would that have anything to do with it? I have healed lots of people but still no increase in XP. Anyone else experienced this? Anything I can do to fix it?

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I'm not sure if this will addresses your particular circumstance. You only get exp from healing other people. No exp for self heals. I've got over 3000 medical exp by using the /tendwound ability alone ( the one that uses no medicine). To test if you are bugged or not, go to a hospital, find someone with a specific wound and ask them what it is. If it was, say strength, target em and type /tendwound strength. If there is no experience listed or given in that circumstance, you are bugged and pretty badly.... You should be getting medical exp every single time you heal another player in any way, whether it is damage or wounds.

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I messed around with it last night and the only way I would get experience was if I used a stimpack on someone. If I did the /tendwound or /tenddamage on anyone else I got nothing for it :(


Guess I wasn't meant to be a medic :)

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I would /bug it and then put in a CSR trouble ticket in your Ctrl+H menu.


In order to be a truly successful medic, it is unfortunate, but you will need harvesters. Three to start and five to six at the end.


1 Power Harvester (Solar, WInd, etc.)

1 Organic Harvester (two if you can, or one medium)

1 Chemical Harvester

1 Metal harvester

1 Water Harvester


These can all be small harvesters, roughly costing 4,000 a day to upkeep. This will give you enough meds to P-level in about two to three days to Master Medic. (Ooops, did I let the secret out?)


Also, as another tip, most decent sized PAs with good organization have these built for their medics already. If you are on Starsider, I know that KOTA, TIO and DS have these for sure. (I walk by KOTA's every day.) Sometimes 'using' a PA to your advantage can be a good thing. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to stay, but you might like the advantages of it.


KOTA: Knights of the Alliance

DS: Dark Sovereignty

TIO: The Imperial Order

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Ye should be getting xp from /tendwound on others, but /tenddamage gets ye no xp no matter who ye use it on. And any wound healing needs t'be done in med centers or scout camps.


Fairborne a wannabe combat medic on Naritus...

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