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Star Wars text...


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Nope. You can change it. You'll need a graphic editor like Gimp or something that can handle targas with alpha layers.


Open up the assets0.pk3 and dig into the menu/video directory. There you'll find a targa called tc_engl.tga. Open it up and put "Your ad here" or whatever scrolling text you want.


Now make an ICARUS script that starts with these lines:



set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_FADE_IN", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );

set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIDEO_PLAY", "jk0101_sw" );

wait ( $150$ );



Target the script runner with your player start, and you're in business.

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Indeed it is supposed to be like that. Don't make it anything else. All you need is a completely white image with an alpha channel. The alpha channel contains all the text.


Thus you need a program that can handle alphas, like PSP or Photoshop, or equivalent, like JavaGuy said.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for bringing this thread back up, but i didnt need to use this until now (i thought i would need it sooner) But anyways, i tried it, and this is what i got:




im using photo studio SE if it helps (im not sure if it supports alpha layers. Another question, how do i DL that gimp program (maybe im just dumb) but i couldnt figure out how to DL it...

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You don't have an alpha channel at all, do you? It seems like you failed to save it to the file. Also remember that if you convert the targa (tga) format to some other format, it will most likely lose the alpha.


And be careful to study the posts up there, to notice that you don't want to have any "visible" text in your editor, only the alpha channel. The game needs the alpha, nothing more.

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I get what your saying, it was just a completly white page, i clicked to write text, then i just typed stuff in, and then i saved it (as a .tga) and made it into a pk3, in the gamedata directory. I ran my mod, and typed in cinematic jk0101_sw and the star wars part looked normal, but then that yellow thingy came up.

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Yeah, study the alpha issue. The are different ways of making an alpha channel (layer). I made it perhaps the harder way by first typing the text normally, then selecting it with the magic wand selection tool, and then saving the selection as an alpha. After that I erased the visible text. Thus all that remained was the alpha channel.


The other way is through masks. However, I have never bothered to learn how to use those (since I use selections A LOT), so I cannot help you with that. But I'm positive you will get it working. It's easy, basically nothing more than what you do with transparent shader images, after all.


Oh, Photoshop 7.00 has some problems with targa format, so be careful, if you are using that software and version, or update to 7.01, as it might solve the issue (maybe).

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