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On the hunt for MI mp3s!


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Well, this is a bit of an interesting story: I had an external hardrive with all my MP3s on it, including a bunch of Monkey Island ones. But then, said hardrive decided to up and die, leaving me stranded sans MP3s. After much digging through the other household computer and various CDs, I managed to find a good majority of the MP3s, but some of them are still missing.


So, and pardon my begging, I'm on the hunt for the following MP3s:


[*]Largo's Theme (from the Mac version of MI2)



I downloaded them all from the Scumm Bar, but of course the Scumm Bar is down. So. If anyone has any of the above MP3s and you have AIM, please send me a message (my sn is tianakatarina5) and transfer the files over, or if you know of a website where these would happen to be, please lend me the link. I and the idea bunnies for my fanfics would greatly appreciate it; love you forever, etc. Thanks.


Edit: I've deleted from the list the MP3s I've received...basically, the only one I need now is Largo's Theme. Thanks again!

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Well, YahooIM transfers hate me with every fiber of their being. Even small files refuse to transfer on me. I don't know what its problem is. AIM would really work better for me, if you have it. *glowers at her various computer woes*

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