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pk3ing problems


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OK, I got another problem, I know I know, it seems like all i do now is post my problems on this thing. I'm trying to pk3 my map and this is what I have in the .pk3


foxmap.arena in /scripts

foxmap.bsp in /maps

foxmap.nav in /maps

foxmap.jpg in /levelshots


for some reason, the picture doesn't isn't in the little preview box on the create server menu, and when I try to load the level, i get dumped back into the main menu. If anyone knows whats going on please help.



*sigh* Am I doomed to be forever asking of you? :newbie:

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The levelshot can be any square dimensions, it's fine. The problem is, as Lil Killa suspected, in your arena file. The map field should contain the file name of the BSP, and longname is what appears in the map list on the Create Server menu. The text that appears when the map is loading is defined in the map file itself, give the worldspawn a "message" key with whatever value you want to appear.


Your arena script should be as follows:



map "foxmap"

longname "The Official Foxwing Map"

type "ffa"



...and then I suspect you'll want to add message Foxwing Baby! w00t to the worldspawn in Radiant.

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By the way, when wedge said "any square dimensions," he meant to say: "any square dimensions whose sides are a power of two." That is, 512x512 or 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 will work, while 1600x1600 or 800x800 will not.

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That's not the best way to save .pk3 size... smaller image dimensions than 1024x1024 start looking pretty damned awful on the loading screen for people playing with higher resolutions. Your best bet would be to fire up jk2sp.exe (that's single player, mind you) and set it to 1600x1200 in-game resolution to take your levelshot--for some reason, the graphics look about twice as good in jk2sp.exe than in jk2mp.exe, go figure--then, after you've got your 1600x1200 .jpg image, take it into Photoshop, resize the image to 2048x2048 and then do a ctrl+alt+shift+S "Save for Web..." In the "Save for Web..." screen, choose "JPEG" (instead of "GIF") and drop the quality down to somewhere around 15-25%. You won't loose much, really, in the terms of visual quality, but the filesize of this seemingly-large image will be on par with your sub-1024 levelshot. It will look splendid on the loading screen, however, while a 512x512 or (shudder to say it) 256x256 levelshot would look like total crap.

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Ah, just realized I told you what the best way to save .pk3 size was not, but not (my opinion of) what is: don't use custom music. There are plenty of songs from the single player game that don't get used often in MP maps--pick one of those, and you don't have to include 2-5MB of no-further-compression-allowed .mp3 music in your compressed .pk3.


If you insist on custom music, open up whatever .mp3 you want to use in a sound-editing program like GoldWave and find the "re-sample" option. Drop the quality of this custom .mp3 down to 64 Kb/s (you could probably go even lower without really noticing)--the music player in JK2 isn't exactly for audiophiles, so nobody will miss the half (or more) of .mp3 filesize you just eliminated.

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