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I got a few riddles for ya...

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answer me these riddles three! (well 2 for now)


1) How do you make a person feel like an idiot, if they are supposedly always right and you are always wrong? (if you dont understand, ask)


2) This thing, all things devours

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers

Gnaws iron, bites steel,

Grinds hard bones to meal,

Slays kings, ruins towns,

And beats high mountian DOWN!


Answer these and you get a nice and shiny....skittle!

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

* pulls out pistol and begins shooting in dark*



1. Tell them that they're always right?


2. Time? Aging?


damn it rhett......damn it.....i thought this thread would last a LITTLE longer.....


*puts on a happy face* I'l be back with some more soon...


*Then bullet hits TD75 and he falls dead*

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I got kinda lazy and only got 1 more......


The is a computer that is about to rule the world. It can answer ANY question, but if you ask a question it can't answer it will short circut and explode. It will allow 4 questions.....if it can answer all 4 then the world is doomed and it will take over.....There are 2 conditions.......


1) The question cannot be what is in my pocket because it has x-ray vision;)


2) You cannot destroy the computer becuase it has robot guards and an electrified floor.....:p


Oh, BTW, Rhett......you can't participate in this one......though you can tell me your answer via PM.....


Remember 4 chances.....use them wisely....enjoy...

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Originally posted by TieDefender75

It can read minds....(true....that may be a question it may not be able to answer, but thats not the one i'm looking for)


Just cuz it's not what you're looking for doesn't mean it's not right! OK ok...but since it's right it shouldn't count :p


"Will you ever rule the world?"

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Yeah Dash.....you saved the world....YOUR WORLD!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!....sorry...:(


Ok, Dash's world is saved.....


The rest of the world is still in danger....4 chances...(because i'm a nice guy;))


Oh, BTW, Dash.....the 2nd question you posted it could answer...

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