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question(after defeating desann)


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After I defeat Desann is the game over??? Because I think it might be, but I have a list of all the maps and it doesn't stop at yavin_final. And there is nowhere left to go!!! Could someone tell me where to go or if there is something wrong with the game that I downloaded??? Thanks.

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Originally posted by darora7

After I defeat Desann is the game over??? Because I think it might be, but I have a list of all the maps and it doesn't stop at yavin_final. And there is nowhere left to go!!! Could someone tell me where to go or if there is something wrong with the game that I downloaded??? Thanks.

Ok, I think I have a very simpel answer to that one, all the maps on your list aren't Singleplayer maps, some of them are for multiplayer. That's why you have't been to all of them!


And, the SP game ends when you have defeated Desann. Then you have to start playing MP instead!

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