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Something to keep me busy


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Well, I now have a lot of stuff to keep me busy for a long friggin time. First off I am moving this weekend. Yep, getting out of the lousy apartment that I have lived in for 3 years and into a much nicer place. That is definitly got me bouncing off the walls with stuff to get ready. I cant wait to get to the new place, but I am dreading the move.


Second, the new girlfriend. Thats right, this summer I broke up with my old girl friend of 2 and a half years and starting dating someone new. She is a lot of fun and I love her to death. Definitly taking up a lot of time in my life, just like any great girl would and deserves.


And lastly, I went out and got NCAA Football 2004 last night. Wow, a must buy for any college football fan. Its awesome, lots of improvments from last year. Looks like after the move, and when I am not with Kim, then I will be loading the roster of my fav team, and leading NC State into a new season in dynasty mode. GO PACK!

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

but I am dreading the move.


Heh...I've been through at least 2 moves, probably more, and I'm going through another in a few months. Hehehehe, we're lucky tho to have a brother that works in a trucking company, so there's a free truck, plus that side of the family is 3 Brothers, all married, and then I was tacked on (the runt at 6'1", still literally the runt) so we had a lot of hands needless to say. So my reccomendation to you is: invite the family.

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Yeah, I am only moving about a mile down the road. I just got a small U Haul truck, and the only people I have right now is me, my bro, my dad, and the new girlfriend. Me and my bro will handle most of the lifting. My dad is the runt of the group, unless you want to count the new girlfriend. She will just be there to make things look pretty.


She is a great gal, love her to death. I am helping her move into a closer apartment as well the day before. What an upcoming weekend.


Then after its all good and done, I can sit back and put a few hours of NCAA 04 in. I am going to try to play a little tonight. Load up my roster and go to town. Then after Kim gets off work, head over to her place. Have some things to fix up over there before she moves on sat.

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

Ha Ha, what can I say. She means that much to me. ;)


Well I'm happy for you, but try and keep from repeating yourself, it gets kind of annoying reading the same thing over again just to get to the next post cuz you don't know if there's actually anything new in it! :(













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Congrats on the new place! I am sure moving will be worth it!! just make sure when u pack to clear out stuff u dont think you'll ever use again to charity, no use packing and hauling it. ive done that and then gone, WHY DID I PACK THIS! and get a tax write off too :D GOOD LUCK! and have fun!

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moving's the worst because you always have more junk than you need but you never realize it until it's too late. and you end up moving a ton of useless crap you'll never unpack. just ONE of the joys.... then if you're lucky (;)) it'll rain... then if you're luckier... something valuable will break... or a closing can get all messed up and take forever... oh the joys of moving.

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Well, the move is over. Kim is completly done, and I am still unpacking. But all the moving is done. Man my back was really killing me. I just love my new place, it alone was worth it and the new crib is starting to come around and look awesome. I have all my rooms done except for the dreaded bedroom and hanging stuff on the walls. Yuck! Well, I will get most of everything done after today and tomorrow, then back to the old place for some serious cleaning and scrubbing. Plus I had one thing still nailed to the wall that I needed a hammer, but it was packed at the time. Then I will finally be done.



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