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Pinkywing vs Stitch - STTCT (Sttct) vs. Redwing (Redwing)


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Redwing tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Sttct 10 points of damage.
Redwing blasts:

Kusavani is some guy whom I let kick my ass so he could raise levels. XD


He said he was challenging you, and you weren't accepting. He's battle happy ^_~


Hee. I'm "mad". :D

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Redwing tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Sttct 10 points of damage.
Redwing shouts:

Eep, really?


How come you have such low health compared to me? You're a higher level...maybe your element isn't very good? ^^ But that *still* doesn't make sense...


Oh, and Kusa is complaining

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Sttct tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Redwing 15 points of damage.
Sttct shouts:

why is kusa complaining? I dunno..I thought I was doing good but now I think I suck. I need to do more posting to get some poitns.

I haven't been battleing that much or winning.

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Redwing tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Sttct 10 points of damage.
Redwing blasts:

It got cut off. ^^ (Because he didn't get any experience (the green bar in stats) when fighting you.)


You don't suck, you're at level 4...I think your stats have been glitched :/

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Redwing tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Sttct 10 points of damage. Sttct has died!!
Redwing blasts:

Yeah...actually I think I recall that matt-windu "nerfed" everyone's stats at some point...that's probably why :|


Most people are at level 2 or 3, including me, incidentally. ^^

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