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Hey again! :D


Im still using JKRadiant, and creting an MP lvl


I only got 2 questions this time :atat:


:deathstar How can I make fire that damages people, you know, like in the final Yavin level.


:deathstar With the func_breakable, you can make things crumble under your feet. Is it possible for you to edit the amount of time it takes to crumble? :confused:


Thats all for now :)


Thanks again!

--Darksaber :)

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By the way, he meant to say "trigger_hurt" when he said "func_damage" before. There is no "func_damage" entity. To make trigger_hurt, create a brush that is about the size of your fire. Select this brush and cover it completely with the system/trigger texture. With the brush still selected, right click in the grid and turn it into a trigger_hurt entity. Open up the entity inspector to set the dmg key to what you want. Voila!

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Damaged fire is taken care of with those posts. Now...I don't think it's possible to edit the time it takes a func_breakable to break. But here's a possible workaround: Make your func_breakable about four times thinner than you want to, and copy it four times. Then chain them together (ctrl+K) and play with delay or wait keys, so that they break in succession when the first one is destroyed.

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Thats great guys! :D


I've created my func_breakable, and it works great! Especially the layer advice ya game me wedge.. thanx :p


But about this fire. I've created that triger_hurt, and set the dmg, but i'm still confused about the fx_runner entities... What are they and how do i use them to create the fire effect? :confused: :confused:


I'd appriciate any help :)


w.b :)


--Darksaber :atat:

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If you get that fire going could you tell me how you did it cause i tryed but couldn't get it to work :(


Human drag so strange everything you create is to destroy!

Yeah that's what we call human nature

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