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Okay, don't shout at me...


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Right. I've got a real n00b question for you here, so don't start flaming me, just take pity and answer :p


What the hell's a gripkick?


I've heard people on about them and I can't figure out what they are. I can't find a guide that describes them, and I've never noticed it being done to me.

I mean pullkicks are obvious, but gripkicks? Whenever I grip someone, they're too far away from me to launch into a kick. :confused:





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Thank you Sam and thank you Shock!

They both work rather nicely!


Now to go and lame them do death under a pseudonym... :p


Cheers again,



EDIT: It's now 6 hours later, and I am enjoying this kick-laming malarky no-end! Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!

I'm sure it'll wear off in a couple of days! ;)

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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

Thank you Sam and thank you Shock!

They both work rather nicely!


Now to go and lame them do death under a pseudonym... :p


Cheers again,



EDIT: It's now 6 hours later, and I am enjoying this kick-laming malarky no-end! Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!

I'm sure it'll wear off in a couple of days! ;)


Yep you will get called a Lamer for using it... I use it in CTF best tatic is not to try it near your flag pole as they a bound to have asrob, but try get as deep in to there end as poss, as by that time they have used all the force on speed to get away. grip kick kick kick and i dout if they have anything left to push you with.


Loki was getting upset with me last night for Grp Kicking him, all he kept saying was thanks for noob killing me.. use a GUN next time lol.

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