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How can a server (galaxy) be down so long?!?!


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I dont know, I have gotton tired of it, and ive only had the game a day. Starsider was locked last time i checked. so if it has to many more lock ups i'm gonna go on the sun????? account i made.

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guys and gals,


you are paying for NOTHING AT ALL at the moment.You have a free Month so why are you complaining about paying monthly fees?


Anyways besides people complaining yes the game DOES have it's Bugs




would you rather have the servers down and the problems being fixed or would you just like to play a Bugged up game?



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no one has posted what they actually do for a living, so let me start:


i have been a system admin and helpdesk tech at various times for 5 years. believe me, a server that needs to have constant data processing on the level of thousands of users over hours is no eaasy thing to maintan. these devices are NOT the same as your little homemade jobby. have you ever tried to tell the difference between an OS problem and an application problem? between a over usage problem and a simple bandwidth bottleneck?


im here to tell you, the size of the database on each of these servers is likely on the order of multigigabytes. and thousands of people are all trying to access it at the same time. this is probably some multiprocessor system, likely on unix or W2k advanced datacenter server, and you experiences with an xp or 98 machine just cant compare. frankly im surprised the whole system didnt die on the first day.


my god, the heat alone generated by each individual system could fry an egg. coming from an enterprise level IT position, i can tell you that years of testing will never compare to live use. so it really isnt surprising. disappointing, because my main character is on intrepid as well, and i was stuck like everyone else.


but not surprising.

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OMG! I'm glad I don't have the game yet. Because, when I have a game that I'm totally addicted to, and I cant play it.......I get sooooooo frustrated. Anyhoe, I'm hoping for you all that the servers will be up soon.



you are paying for NOTHING AT ALL at the moment.You have a free Month so why are you complaining about paying monthly fees?


You did pay for the game right? When you bought the box, you paid for the "free" month.

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