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I'm back!


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Well, after 2 weeks of filling in for another person at my work who doesn't have a computer at their desk, and one week of vacation, I'm back.

My family and I stayed in a cabin for a week near Franklin, NC.


Anyway, I've got to go take care of some work, but when I get back I get to start going through all the post...if someone can give me the condensed version, it would be very appreciated.

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Fought about Glow names and point system

me - petitioned about keeping glow names "SUCCESSFUL"

Matt installed battle mod

much lag

some people hate / or like

causes lots of spam

people don't quiet know what the hell is going on

we saw compa's pic

my sister came to the forum

the chat is fun

p.leon is getting married

...did i forget anything?

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Wow, looks like I missed alot. I quickly looked through the threads...so I'll reply to them all right here instead of reviving every other thread for the past 3 weeks.


Congrats to P.Leon

Welcome to the forums volcom!

It's good to see some lurkers come out of the shadows.

(Note to self: Homer can be bribed w/ Code Red)

I still haven't checked out the battle thing

Shan, I'll see what I can do w/ a label. (if I have time)

People need to stop nailing each other to the floor. It's a waste of pants.

Shan, I hope everything works out for your dad and his car.

Rhett...help control the elf population, have your elf spade or neutered(sp?)...

also, here you can have this *gives Rhett an extra large bulk pack of Alka-Seltzer* That should last you a few days. Maybe even a week if you keep your eyes open.

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