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We get pissed easily - STTCT (Sttct) vs. Redwing (Redwing)


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Redwing used her Blood Sword, but failed to do any damage to Sttct. Sttct begins to taunt Redwing! Redwing's anger grows by 11.
Redwing shouts:

I'm afraid of what will happen if I change mine ^^;; someone said there was a penalty or something...

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Recalling time spent meditating in a cave, Redwing casts Intense Mediation in an attempt to heal her wounds. Intense Mediation is successful and heals 48 HP while costing 60 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
Redwing blasts:



I dunno...Hm I wonder what happens when I don't attack when I'm all "no more mr. nice guy"

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Spreading her arms in a fit of rage, Sttct casts Energy Blast on Redwing and deals 79 points of damage. Energy Blast cost 35 MA to cast. Redwing has died!!
Sttct blasts:

oh just like every other time - ie nothing! bawahaha


actually i have changed my charector a zillion times...i haven't noticed a penalty....of course anythings possible

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