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jedi war wounds?


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Originally posted by BawBag™

I like that idea. Like in Perfect Dark when you shot someone in the leg and they'd limp about until you killed them.

Or maybe when you cut a hand off they lived on for bit, running around without a saber.....

I think that'd be pretty sweet. :p


Scary stuff. I just got a vision of how I would look in the game.


No hands and a flag in between my teeth.:D

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Well, how hard would it be do implement realistic damage since Raven did produce SoF and Sof2: DH, which allows over 20 points of damage (and in some pretty graphical ways). It would be pointless now to ask, but maybe as a future expansion/sequel.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Not only that, but Luke and other NPC Jedi will actually EXECUTE surrendered enemies! But Rebels and other gun toting npc's will just "guard" them.


Actually I've had Jan chase and hunt down disarmed stormtroopers and gun them down like dogs O_O Violent woman. I wonder if Kyle's still with her in JA lol.

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