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God's birthday

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All this talk of letters to Tim reminded me of one I sent awhile back so I'd thought I'd post it just for your amusement. I guess it's Tim responding or some like-minded slave.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 10:25 AM

To: Info

Subject: Spelling


"I love you so much, so goddamed much" Friday, February 14, 2003


Frankly for the $50 I'm going to shell out for the game plus the $200 I'm going to shell out for the console I don't even own yet, I would expect a more competent level of spelling ability. Before this post I had full confidence in your spelling abilities, but now I'm afraid I'll end up with a package labelled "Saikounawts" or "Ex-Bawks". Please provide me with the appropriate misspelling discount.



----- Reply Message -----

From: "Info" <info@doublefine.com>

Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 7:26 PM

Subject: RE: Spelling


We are going to fix that today, and then you get NOTHING. In fact, you have to pay EXTRA.

That day we were blinded by love. You can have your filthy "spelling."


-info cow

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I probably should have cut him some slack since it was a curse word.


The weird thing is that after I posted my previous message, I went to DF's website and saw the post about spelling 'relevance' for the first time. Maybe he's paranoid about spelling now.

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