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Can you be a shadow jedi?


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yeah, MOTS did bork it up a bit (lol)

but its not exactly like the JO system was creditable of being balanced either lmao.


a 'carefully thought out' mots system could possibly work out quite well. but raven's already summed up the powers, so all we can hope is that they don't 'bork' up as much again lol. tho its a near impossible ask as it must be so difficult.

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Bah, MotS didn't screw up anything, it was quite balanced.


For those who say JK/MotS were "unbalanced" I suggest you take a visit to http://www.jediknight.net/hiss/ if you haven't already. Don't be so hasty...


Certain powers may have been neglected, it's true (Projection for one), but Level 8 Jedi could use all the same powers, so that really wasn't a problem.


In "Personalities" (class based) games, the Scout, Bounty Hunter and Soldier were matched against Level 7 Jedi (no more, no less), so again, it was balanced. The other classes were given varying degrees of weak force, plus "cheap" weapons and armor to make up for their lack of powers, but also had varying speeds and damage ratios.


It was a lot of fun, but some people preferred to have the "Dark/Light" dichotomy. We don't know for sure how the Dark/Light side and its powers will be divided up in JA MP (do we?) we only know that in SP you can choose Dark and Light Side.


From what I hear, this whole notion of using both the darkside and lightside comes primarily from the EU (which isn't surprising, considering how much the DF/JK series has influence and has been influenced by the EU). And logically you could say that powers themselves aren't good or evil, it's how you use them that matters. If you want to play as a "shadow jedi" the closest thing, outside of MotS is probably JK2 SP. ; )


I thought I read somewhere that you could have powers from both sides in Singleplayer, but when you chose sides, powers from the other side suffered a handicap. It's probably just an idea from these forums though.


I did post that idea in the past, but its possible others have thought of it too, I just know I did field such a suggestion long before JK2 was released. The other thing I always longed for was a "Dark Jedi" game. Well, we aren't getting that, but we are getting another "choice" game, the first since JK1, so that's fine by me!

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Kurgan, no. JK and MotS were horribly unbalanced. I don't care what your strategy site says. Having six years of experience says otherwise.


The scout's E-11 scope was nearly unblockable with the lightsaber, unless you were looking at them at the right angle and moving backwards or standing still. If you failed to block, you'd be dead in one to two shots. You can't pull this from them, either.


The bounty hunter's carbonite gun is so incredibly cheap. You can't pull it, and if he gets within 10 meters of you, you are gone! He can freeze you easily, then shatter you.


Not to mention the glaring weapon imbalances that made the E-11, repeater, bowcaster, etc nearly useless.

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Kurgan, no. JK and MotS were horribly unbalanced. I don't care what your strategy site says. Having six years of experience says otherwise.


Obviously the site (which isn't mine btw, my strategy site is devoted to JK2, the MotS/JK one was done by Hiss) provided evidence that your claim was not so absolute as you said. A lot of people claim games are unbalanced when they simply haven't learned all the counters for various things or are locked into one gaming style. Maybe I can't convince you, but that's okay.


I "only" played JK/MotS for 4 years, but even I picked up on some of this stuff.


The scout's E-11 scope was nearly unblockable with the lightsaber, unless you were looking at them at the right angle and moving backwards or standing still. If you failed to block, you'd be dead in one to two shots. You can't pull this from them, either.


Blocking the scoped ST Rifle wasn't the only defense against it, otherwise Scouts would always dominate. First off, they have to be a competent sniper, second, if you close the distance with speed, the Scout is dead in one or two hits himself (considering his low armor rating). Jedi are capable of using guns too, and all the big guns kill scouts in 1 shot, again, because he's so weak.


You also failed to mention that if a Scout's shot IS blocked, it will kill the scout himself instantly (trust me, this has happened to me as a Scout!).


Force Protection made the Scout's rifle far less effective, although he could still use the "knockback" effect to push a careless Protection user off a ledge...


The bounty hunter's carbonite gun is so incredibly cheap. You can't pull it, and if he gets within 10 meters of you, you are gone! He can freeze you easily, then shatter you.


It seems that way, until you consider the possiblity of preventing him from gaining more ammo (and in fact, a few of the maps lacked any carb ammo pickups at all). Shooting the ammo before he gets to it will freeze him and release thermal detonators that blow HIM up.


Also, a BH can try to freeze a Jedi who uses speed all day long, and never get anywhere. While the BH is out of range of the carb gun, the Jedi can use destruction on him, or any more powerful gun. As long as people kept their distance from carb users, there wasn't a problem. Plus I often had fun stealing kills from carb users by shattering the victim before they could.


I remember when the game first came out, people said that the Carb gun was useless (earning it the nickname "crap gun"), because if you shattered people incorrectly YOU got hurt by the shards, and thus you died after a few kills with it. In addition lag often made it hard to know you scored a hit with it (or on the opposite end, made it seem like you were frozen instantly). ; )


Not to mention the glaring weapon imbalances that made the E-11, repeater, bowcaster, etc nearly useless.


Bah, they were not. The ST rifle had a slight "stunning" effect making it more useful in corridor battles (not to mention with the Power Boost it was a killing machine). The ST Rifle could also be scoped (admittedly, not as powerful as the Scout's version of course). I will admit the bowcastor was fairly ineffectual (it was in JK2, although slightly improved). I did know people who could get a few kills with it however (it was more effective on the non-Jedi, since they couldn't block it).


The Repeater was quite deadly, especially as an anti-saberist weapon (secondary fire would make sure two out of every three shots hit the saberist). I admit primary fire wasn't too useful except against non-saberists and for chasing people.


Many people didn't realize that Jedi were highly vulnerable to the "crotch shot" (crouch and fire a fast gun like the Repeater or ST Rifle). This tactic was arguably more effective in JK/MotS than it was in JK2.



The other thing with all of this was that not only were different weapons and force powers good in different situations (ie: depending on the map layout) but also different classes were better on different maps against different types of opponents (for example Jedi tended to have an advantage in levels that had wide open areas, Bounty Hunters and Scouts had advantages in levels with lots of ledges, hiding places, and darkened corridors, Soldiers had a huge advantage on any level with seeking rails. ; )

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