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Buffy Monkeys - STTCT (One of Rhett's elfs) vs. Redwing (Redwing)


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Redwing used her Blood Sword, but failed to do any damage to One of Rhett's elfs. One of Rhett's elfs begins to taunt Redwing! Redwing's anger grows by 15.
Redwing taunts:

They are. Maybe I raised levels when I fought earlier today?

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One of Rhett's elfs tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Redwing 29 points of damage.
One of Rhett's elfs taunts:

i would love to but work blocks it. I'm at work from 10-630. Right now its 12:17am. But I am off work as of tonight and the rest of this weekend so I can go on my home computer after baby goes to bed

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One of Rhett's elfs tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Redwing 29 points of damage.
One of Rhett's elfs blasts:

I do not have ANY clue how I got aim to go through. It was the way I set it up to go through the ISP I think....but see work blocks anything that has "GAME" in its url etc...so...our channel is like

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One of Rhett's elfs tried to use her fists. Luck was with her, and she dealt Redwing 29 points of damage.
One of Rhett's elfs shouts:

exactly..I'm not sure if other channels can go though. I tried the aplet at the sites but still they give the same blocked message. No one knows how to go around...and if I do go around someone might

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