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New Jedi Academy Info. *WARNING: Spoilers*


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Originally posted by Rockstar

im pissed off that the lightstaff is the best! gosh darn it! meh, i also think it stupid that the alternate weapons HAVE access to the single blade, even tho it is one stance, many players only use one stance...


... i hope this is not what they have done for mp....... i reeeaaally don't........


From what I've read about the double-bladed lightsaber, it was used by the Jedi in training only, due to the fact that it was dangerous to wield. There'd have to be some sort of penalty for using such a complex weapon, at least in Multiplayer.


I hope that the classic single lightsaber has some advantages of its own.


Either way, the game should be cool. :animelol:


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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Strange....I have no spoiler tag O_o...




The answer to that is....


~* SPOILER! *~








~* SPOILER! *~









~* SPOILER! *~









~* SPOILER! *~




No....not officially at least, you have to progress through the game to obtain it. But of course there will more than likely be a cheat to access this.

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k....i played teh beta....finished SP and i'm playing MP ALOT.

1 thing.....i WILL buy the game...so dont think im 1 of those lamers who doesnt respect the guys who make the games.


Furthermore if you dont want to DL this then DONT.

i just post it and it your decision.

The file will be up for a limited amount of time.

and will be down/up at unscheduled times.


NO ITS NOT THE BETA......its a movie i made.

with a little bit of history and then JKA.

sabers, chars, moves....a whole ****load





If you are unable to connect, but the server is up. Dont bother to ask why or how....if you are able to download be happy...if you arent able to DL then be sad. or whatever. What im saying is that i will not help you in any way if you cant connect.

So try both Internet Explorer or an FTP program


have fun...

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Sephyr...so you think that posting a link to a movie you made of JA...obviously using the beta...is more acceptable than simply talking about the beta?


*whacks head against a brick wall*


Consider yourself banned. :rolleyes:


You know...I'm beginning to think that the same compulsion that drives people to access this leaked beta also drives them to post about it on these forums without a passing thought for the consequences. How many times do people have to be warned before they start listening? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Sephyr...so you think that posting a link to a movie you made of JA...obviously using the beta...is more acceptable than simply talking about the beta?


*whacks head against a brick wall*


Consider yourself banned. :rolleyes:


You know...I'm beginning to think that the same compulsion that drives people to access this leaked beta also drives them to post about it on these forums without a passing thought for the consequences. How many times do people have to be warned before they start listening? :rolleyes:

Like moths to a flame. :animelol:


Imagine the breakthrough in online anti-piracy stings. All you'd need to to is create a Your thoughts on the Jedi Academy beta thread and watch the fish hook themselves. :rofl:


It's not like Jedi Academy is years away. Last I heard was that it's gone gold, so it's on its way. :D


Originally posted by Mauler Mithel

Will the Imperial Commandos be back in the game?

Maybe, although it would be nice to get away from the Imperials for awhile. Nasty Jedi picking on the poor defenceless stormtroopers...


TK421 knew he should help out his master, but he was 8 feet away - an impossible shot.


:gben:The Force will be with you, always

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Sephyr...so you think that posting a link to a movie you made of JA...obviously using the beta...is more acceptable than simply talking about the beta?


*whacks head against a brick wall*


Consider yourself banned. :rolleyes:


You know...I'm beginning to think that the same compulsion that drives people to access this leaked beta also drives them to post about it on these forums without a passing thought for the consequences. How many times do people have to be warned before they start listening? :rolleyes:



aaaahhh im banned LOL......hhmm i wonder...who was the person downloading the MOVIE....eh ???? ooow it was you... :D


this is a spoiler section right ??? well they are all talking about the game.....which obviously some have played (beta) but its wrong to post a movie ??

You guys look at screenies from the beta....try to get your hands on whatever you can grab....but can not appreciate the work someone does to show ppl a movie about a kickass game ??

sjees...it shows a little more then the original trailer.....and i consider it to be a nice addition to it.....but ey thats my oppinion.

K i can understand that you banned me...you guys have rules to obey...so i dont blame you. i hope you enjoyed the movie ;)


bye bye :monkey4:




ps......can my movie be posted the day jka comes out :p ??

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You guys look at screenies from the beta


just who the heck are you talking about? the only screenshots ive seen are official. its only morons like you who think that everyone else wants to have an UNOFFICIAL, ILLEGAL, OLD and most likely BUGGED version of the game.


ps......can my movie be posted the day jka comes out :p ??


you forget the quite over-stated fact that the beta is ILLEGAL, and will be. also, the day that JA comes out, its not like every single person on these boards is going to obtain a copy of the game. bottom line: get a brain.

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jees im just being reasonable...........

you're the 1 who needs a brain or start using the 1 u have...


the only screenshots ive seen are official


it isnt all about you. There are plenty of ppl on this board who have seen or are looking for any screenie they can get their hands on. legal or illegal


only morons like you who think that everyone else wants to have an UNOFFICIAL, ILLEGAL, OLD and most likely BUGGED version of the game.


who is the moron ?? did i say you should DL the beta ?? did i discuss any details about it ??

And the beta isnt unofficial, illegal or bugged (only saw 1 texture missing). Its illegal and unofficial for ppl who aren't beta testers (which includes me offcourse)



And if you wish to continue this discusion. i suggest you PM me.

This thread is for information about the game (beta or non beta)

I shared information which was considered a warez. So i got banned. I knew the consiquenses and i accept tem.

Do you see me reposting the link ?? no....

I made an acount so i could see what kind of response i got and replied to that.

ow and before you start about "you should have contacted the admins" or whatever......i did repeatedly....went a week on vacation and when i got back i still didnt have a reply...thats the reason i posted it here...it was something i was proud of and wanted to show.

Not proud as in "ooo look at me i got the beta" but more like how the movie feels and looks.


So i suggest to anyone who wants to flame or threaten me. PM me. Im a reasonable guy........but plz...read before you say anything stupid....

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Sephyr? I talked with you earlier over PM. I thought the issue was that you were a beta tester for JA, and you were going to "prove" it to us admins (something I did mention in my "don't post about warez" post) in PRIVATE.


I didn't realize you were going to try to post it for all to see (you even admit you knew this was against the rules we laid out earlier). I guess I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you weren't just another two-bit warez troll looking for attention. I stand corrected... ; p




Sorry folks, another half-way legitimate thread ruined....



[update: Sephyr has apologized and says he never intended to claim he was a beta tester. He may be allowed back after a time of our choosing.]

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