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Help to get webpage making..


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No, he meant in internet explorer's address bar its self where it says http://www.lucasforums.com there's a little "V" icon in there that replaces the internet explorer's "e". The "V" oddly enough isn't showing up for me on here right now, but I've seen it before. You'll also see the icon by your fav places if you add the site to a folder in your fav places. I've got no clue how that's done though.


If you feel like learning the actual HTML, this site has gotten me started off on a pretty good foot. http://www.boogiejack.com/html_tutorials.html. If you can, I'd really recommend just learning all the HTML codes and doing it on notepad. You can make a folder on your hard drive and save it all there, and when you're done you can upload everything to your webspace. This has the added benefit of having your whole site stored on your computer, so say their server screws up and you lose a few files. If you use one of those site makers, you have to remake the whole thing by scratch. But when you've made it yourself in notepad, and the thing is saved in a folder on your hard drive, it's a simple matter to just re-upload it. So it ain't the end of the world. And you can customize your site way the hell more than you can with those horrible templates that web-making programs give you.

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

Hey FT, how much did you get the MX stuff for?


I have all that stuff. Good Stuff too. Regualrly , costs $1000+.


Doesnt mean you had to buy it ya know. ;) *catch my wink there??? huh? didja see it? In this case, it means "P2P"* ;)

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