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EMI was as good as the rest


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As a major Monkey Island fan I must say that I most enjoyed the parts where:

1.Brittany the bank teller has just finished talking to ozzie and starts saying "kangaroo" in a bunch of funny ways

2.when Guybrush is singing right before he gos down the lava ride thingy[ I espcially enjoyed the one calle"ohhh the lava is hotter than a flame broiled otter and my feet ar slowly meltin through the fiberglass floor"

3.When Guybrush is talking to brittany outside the bank and she [obviously] is refering to brittany spears"I have no tallent of experience but i figure with the right attitude"

4.When Guybrush attends the Anti-Pirate acadamy and he picks up the luchuckeychu piratemon card

5. When you build the huge ultimate insult by sticking the bannana picker up the monkeys nose


anyway i thouroughly enjoyed EMI...

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No doubt you'll suddenly get a bunch of people saying differentlt and probably flaming you about it. None the less, this will be another 'emi was good, no it wasn't it was bad' thread which we already have enough of. closed.

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