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jedi slaughter


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SPAMALISOUS!!!!!SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM!!! Got it, good now that that is out of the way. When are you ever gonna learn, until we have proof for every last part of what you said, this is totaly, well in one word, SPAM!!!

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He ment NPC Jedi...you can find them out in the wilderness sometimes...friggin hard to kill...but you can find them alright.


But yeah...it was pretty much spam...you should make up a battle story if you want to share something like that instead of just putting out 2 sentences and posting. Make it worth reading.

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hmm battle story....i sat in the cantina some guy came up and asked if i wanted to go fight a jedi, i said yeah, we got 11 other people, we went south of nashal and found a jedi, we killed it in like half a minute, only one died, then we waited for a respawn, me and another died, we got back to find they killed the jedi, and another one spawned, so we killed that and lots like everyone, so we healed up and went back, killed the one that took us out, and then we killed another, i got a mystical orb from some guy that looted, he got 3 mystical orbs, about 20 guns, dark sash, a dark jedi medallion and a force enhanser...sorry if thats not good enough, i was excited and wanted to share so whatever, sorry i cant meet message board rules or whatever

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thanks chief, um i dunno what it does, the orbs examine says something about how no one knows what its for, not even its rightful master, and my friend tried the force enhancement and nothin happened so i really dunno if its worth anything but we got some wicked mad xp, teehee so excited now just got home from a misfits show :cool:

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