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stroll to the edge of the world


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warning: this is kind of a dumb question


i was talking to another player who frequents tatooine today, and we started wondering if it's possible to start walking south (or some other direction, and keep walking until you eventually circumnavigate the planet and end up where you started.


or, is there some kind of time bandits-like invisible wall way out in the middle of nowhere that won't let you walk any further?


he actually wondered if there was a point where you walked off tatooine and onto another planet, say corellia for instance.


yeah, i know it's a dumb question, but we're sitting at work talking about the game, and killing time, so what do you expect?

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This is actually a really good question. I've been to the edge of several planets, but never even thought to try and pass it. Of course, on Dath that was because we found a Rancor spawn about ten meters before the edge and were a little too preoccupied to think about this. lol

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Originally posted by typholuka



Anyone know what server boundries are?


I am also wundering this. If you goto off our little square area for a planet, does it go onto another server. Thats the only thing i could think of. I know i didnt think to hard about it. lol

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When you come to the edge, you hit a wall.

Each map is 16x16 km, but they have made 500 meters of all edges unaccessable for you to pass, so it doesn't seem like the world ends abruptly. So the area you can travers is actually 15x15 km large (225 Sq.km=140 Sq.miles).


Obviously they can't create the entire planet/moon, even if they used the current scale. :) It's just a small part of the world.

But they can, if they choose to, expand the map sizes later on. ;)

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on naboo on the boundry it just hits a really high mountain, that you cant climb, it just stops you, and on corellia it does the same and in the ocean it looks like your swimming farther but you coor. arent changing lol and you never find an end.

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