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Texture Troubles


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I am building my clan map. I made a custom texture, "Dual Area," but ingame it appers as a grid. It is 256 x 256, and it is:


C:\Matthew\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\textures\nifhq\dual.jpg


How do I work around this? Do I need to make a "shaders" file? It appers in JK2 Rad. just fine.



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You need to pak all custom textures in a pk3. Without it, any custom textures you have won't be displayed.


I use Pakscape to make my pk3s.


Make a new pk3 file, and create a folder called 'textures.'

In the 'textures' folder, make a folder called 'nifhq' (the name of your custom texture folder).

Put your custom textures into the nifhq folder in the pak and then save it. Put your pk3 in the base folder and you're done.


Oh, and stop using JK2Radiant. Use GtK Radiant instead. It's much easier with a MUCH better looking and faster compiler.



Alternatively, you could use the console command sv_pure 0 and then devmap your map... that would allow you to see the textures, but unless you put custom textures in a pak, you'd have to do that every time.

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You don't really have to always have to pack up everything into a PK3. After all the PK3 file should be the last thing you do. Make a folder under game textures for your EDITOR to reference. So lets say you name a folder bessel and you put all your custom textures into it. Then you put that folder under Gamedata/base/textures/bessel. Voila...you should now see your textures ingame. Mind you this is only for testing your map. Later you will have to pack it up into the PK3 file.


And yes as Eldritch said use GTk Radiant. JK2 has too many bugs and no matter what you do, you still may not see your textures with the jk2 Radiant Editor.:D

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OMG...LOL...thats exactly what I was saying. Make a folder and he will see them...yikes. I know about EDITOR textures man. And my point still stands....make a folder. I happen to know 2 other mappers that do this and it works fine for them. So yeah......;)

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Originally posted by lauser

OMG...LOL...thats exactly what I was saying. Make a folder and he will see them...yikes. I know about EDITOR textures man. And my point still stands....make a folder. I happen to know 2 other mappers that do this and it works fine for them. So yeah......;)

Originally posted by mknote

I am building my clan map. I made a custom texture, "Dual Area," but ingame it appers as a grid. It is 256 x 256, and it is:


C:\Matthew\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\textures\nifhq\dual.jpg


As I already stated - he already has a folder in the place you suggested. You cannot see custom textures unless they are paked. If you do not pak them, they must be in the folder (as you described) and you must you sv_pure 0 and devmap to see the textures. It will not work otherwise.


If all he had to do was what you're describing, he wouldn't have this problem. You need to read posts a little more closely.

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I think the reason he cant see them is because he uses JK2 instead of GTk unless he is using GTk now. Are you telling me Eldritch that you cant see your textures INGAME unless you sv and devmap? I've made 6 maps now with both EDITORS and been able to see MOST of my textures with this method. Yes, some will not show up without sv_pure/devmap. So please explain whats going on then.


I'll admit I missed this part reading the thread--------->


C:\Matthew\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\textures\nifhq\dual.jpg

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I think you're misunderstanding me, lauser.


Regular textures (those that come with JK2) you can see fine in any map.


Custom textures (those not included with JK2, that you make yourself or find somewhere) you can't see unless you pak them up OR use sv_pure 0 / devmap.


He can see his regular textures, but not his custom textures.


Was that a bit more clear?

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ok well keep using Jk2 rad then, but the only point your proving is that your willing to waste your own time in order to prove a point that serves no purpose and doesn't exsist... :rolleyes: GTK is WAY easier to use and a overall much better editor, basically the same editor but with better features.


Regarding not being able to see the textures... i am having that problem now too, and i do use sv_pure 0 and devmap.... but its only with my most recent custom textures :confused: anyone know why this might be happening?

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Originally posted by MightyM

Regarding not being able to see the textures... i am having that problem now too, and i do use sv_pure 0 and devmap.... but its only with my most recent custom textures :confused: anyone know why this might be happening?

Are the dimensions in a power of 2?

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so does that mean that the textures do not have to be square, as long as each side is a power of 2?... so 256x512 would work?


s0 the only height (and width) in pixels that a sidde can be are 2, 4, 8,16,32,64,128 etc?


And why do my textures load onto a brush back to front..it really gets annoying..

...my latest texture that i have made, is a sign with words on it...i have pk3 it and followed ur instructions.... it will load up, but in the texture wqindow, it looks all demented as in it is kinda bent..... why?


Edit:Figured it out why my image was bent...my image was actually 256x270..... stupid me....


but it still goes on the brush back to front...ahhhhhhh!!!! why?

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Originally posted by BarmyBam

so does that mean that the textures do not have to be square, as long as each side is a power of 2?... so 256x512 would work?


s0 the only height (and width) in pixels that a sidde can be are 2, 4, 8,16,32,64,128 etc?

You got it. :)


And why do my textures load onto a brush back to front..it really gets annoying..

Back to front... do you mean reversed? If you're using the 'Fit' option on the surface inspector it does that. You can fit it yourself manually or mirror the texture so when you fit it, it appears correctly.

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Eldritch, I haven't been back to the forums since the new ones came online. But I come back to find you have insulted me. Why? Firstly you are a MODERATOR!! I also MODERATE forums and do NOT disrespect people like that. Please explain yourself.

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Originally posted by lauser

Eldritch, I haven't been back to the forums since the new ones came online. But I come back to find you have insulted me. Why? Firstly you are a MODERATOR!! I also MODERATE forums and do NOT disrespect people like that. Please explain yourself.

I'm not a moderator at LF, first off.


Second, I tried to explain things to you several ways, but I've only got so much patience. You just refuse to accept what I'm saying, and it's frustrating. Sorry for my comment, but I'm at my wits end.

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Ok - we don't answer IFs, if that really is your problem then i'm afraid i don't think there's any easy answer cause you just described an impossibility... you must have somthing really messed up to be having that problem, but you said "IF" so don't ask hypothetical questions that for all we know have never needed answering.

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alright so its not an 'if'. I have one JO texture in there, and that loads fine, but all of mine are crapped. Ive redone and troubleshot this as much as I could, even rebuilt the damn thing.

Soooo its not hypothetical, and Id appreciate any help anyone could give.

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Originally posted by RenikDelan


alright so its not an 'if'. I have one JO texture in there, and that loads fine, but all of mine are crapped. Ive redone and troubleshot this as much as I could, even rebuilt the damn thing.

Soooo its not hypothetical, and Id appreciate any help anyone could give.


Get rid of the BSP and all other files that were produced after your last compile. If that doesn't help then try reloading the editor. Pain in the butt but it may help. Lastly if all else fails take the texture out of the folder and rename it simple like dust.jpg or something like that. No underscore or numbers just lowercase letters. Then put a DEFAULT texture where you want the CUSTOM texture to go and BSP the map. After you have done that DELETE all the files again and put the NEW named dust.jpg back in the folder and reload the editor. Try putting the texture on now. And double check the texture size.


BTW dust.jpg is just an example.


Okay ELDRITCH..just razzing you here but read this post again.


Eldritch, I haven't been back to the forums since the new ones came online. But I come back to find you have insulted me. Why? Firstly you are a MODERATOR!! I also MODERATE forums and do NOT disrespect people like that. Please explain yourself.




Where do I state you MODERATE LF? Anyone here can see you are a MODERATOR in your PROFILE.....


Thank you come again....:D

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Erm... dividable by 2 isn't enough, so I hope you just didn't write what you were thinking in real. The sides must be powers of 2.


Then, there are more rules. :)


They must be either .tga or .jpg files. No spaces is names. And .jpg files can't be progressive.


That's all I can think of right now.

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