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New Proffesions???


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I am curious to know what the new professiosn are onna be besides politician, also will they be adding more skill points becasue they are addinghtese new proffesions late in the game and ppl may want to choose them. Also are mounts finally comming out so u can ride on ur animals ???

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I understand the idea behind the elite-elite classes, but I sure would like to see the skilll pool grow a bit with the release of more advanced skills. The way I look at it is that you are not taking on another profession, you are continuing in the field you already started down. Just a thought :-)

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They should come out with new skill points at leaset later on enough to add one more proffession because in certain professions you dont have a lot of other skill points left over. Say someone wants to be BH and a vehicle designer when it comes out on the same server or at least they should allow you to make 1 or a few more characters per server.

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Its gonna suck if they add a pilot profession for the space expansion, I am definately gonna wanna fly a ship but am real low on points after going bounty hunter. Then again it would make sense to have pilot skills to be able to fly a ship, wouldnt make much sense if everyone could suddenly pilot a spacecraft. I just hope they make it cheap, including the 'elite-elite' professions... either that or give more skill points

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This seems to be the most fair thing to do in my eyes, give us a completly different set of skill points in the space expansion that can only be used to become pilots, or if you have the right prequsistions to become a ship builder, you guys see what i'm saying, does this make sense?

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I don't think it would make much sense to add more skill points. See, I'd love them as much as you guys would, but the thing is that it would seem extremely unrealistic. If you're a Bounty Hunter, it would seem kinda odd that in the time that you weren't plugging creatures full of holes and gutting them for Scout and Marksman XP, you'd have time to become proficient at, let's say, knitting shirts and sweaters....


The only thing I could really see is dropping the skill cost of the base skills from 15 to, like, 12. I know it doesn't seem like much, but since almost every hybrid class means you have to have two base classes, that would help lessen the burden. Just a thought.


Ach'Leigh Seinnahi

Bria, Talus

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i think they would add skill points for the new classes, if there are more than like 15 or so new classes.

this is how i see it:

there will be two skill point types, Regular and SE (space expansion)

that is if they make pilot something u have to learn.

politician sounds fun...

urban planner does what now?

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