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How can i check if...


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I have more than one brush in the same spot... like excess brushes? Somtimes i find for whatever reason a brush has been duplicated on the same spot is there any way to check for this other than looking for graphical corruption as a result of the extra brushes? Thanks.



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This might not help much but no one else is posting so here i go :/


Try shift clicking the brush 2 times. If it unselects on the second click than there is one brushe there. BUT you want to do it over you map don't you.......


Try brush cleanup in bobtollz (in GTK Radiant) I dunno what else to do. Need Lesslie or Eldritch or someone else that is more expierianced here:/

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Hit 7 to select grid size 64. Select your brush that you suspect has an alter ego lying in wait. Hold ALT and hit any of the arrow keys. That will move the brush 64 units. If a brush still appears to be there, there's a duplicate. If not, you're good. Hold ALT and hit the opposite arrow key to move the brush back into place when you're done checking.

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