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Jedi Profession image


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the 1-0 and - and = is an easy fix, you can adjust that through the hotkey mapping.


as for the cursor...D*mn you...YOU'RE RIGHT! I did a screen shot and the game removes it... I hate being wrong.


As for the "Master" title...you are right again...of course it is in the only profession that I didn't do. Brawler.


So there may be a chance that this is a beta...but it doesn't matter either way. I will never be a jedi anyways. I just wanted to add my own two cents. That would be cool that this is a real shot.


As for the certifications, I am not ready to ditch some skills to test that out so if anyonme knows if the certifications stay, that would be most helpful.

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Call me a Sucker, but i'm buying it. Looks real enough to me.


When you start off in the game, did you read the Email first given to you, or did you delete it and go about your business? You can only have one char per server, as you all know by now. IF you're so lucky as to unlock the force "tree", you also unlock a slot for a second character, You're Jedi Character. From what i hear through the Grapevines, Jedi is nearly impossible to unlock, plus if you do manage to unlock it, it's even more impossible to gain experience in that field. When you use the force, you're auto-matically tagged as Overt (enemy), to all within shouting range. 100 meters i believe. Doesn't matter if it's Rebel Scum or Imperial. Plus to add some icing on the cake, you're only allowed to die a number of times as a Jedi apprentice, Novice and/or Jedi.


Lets say you are so skilled as to unlock the force slot, Manage to gain experience in using the force, Avoid dying a few times and let so Unbelievebly lucky to become a master... Once you're a Master you can't die. You get no clone, game over. However, from what the grapevine has wispered in my ear, if you're a master Jedi and you died, you become a spirit, free to rome the Galaxy. Can't attack anything, can't be attacked. Can't do anything really except chat. but that in itself isn't all that bad.


The wonderful Grapevine consists of a few RL friends of mine who have some connection to SWG, whether it be beta tester, developer or better yet, Lucas. It's not lucas...


Jedi won't be accessable till the Developers can figure out how to make it impossible to get, yet possible... following what i'm trying to say?




As for the Pic, it's real enough for me to believe. But there is no Jedi in Game play.

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Originally posted by Confu

Lets say you are so skilled as to unlock the force slot, Manage to gain experience in using the force, Avoid dying a few times and let so Unbelievebly lucky to become a master... Once you're a Master you can't die. You get no clone, game over. However, from what the grapevine has wispered in my ear, if you're a master Jedi and you died, you become a spirit, free to rome the Galaxy. Can't attack anything, can't be attacked. Can't do anything really except chat. but that in itself isn't all that bad.



Correction: Lets say you are so skilled as to unlock the force slot, Manage to gain exp in using the force, avoid dying a few times; and lets just say that you're so unbelievebly lucky to become a master Jedi. Once you've become a Master, you have no more lives. Once you die, you're dead. No clone will continue you quest to become Master Jedi Councel member of whatever. it's pretty close to game over. IF you die as a master Jedi, you become a spirit, free to rome the galaxy............

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Ya, i also think that the pics are fake. They are great pics, dont get me wrong... but if you look at the small detail, it just doesnt really fit. I do hope im wrong tho, cause I'd love to get a group of friends and attack a Jedi for fun! That'd be great!

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Originally posted by NeoLocust



that actually looks more real than the other, note how the guy covered over his/her name and shiz too, for the most part, THAT looks real, or is a good PS job


The first picture is the best of them all. However, I believe it is a fake. Not only are there many things that have been previously suggested, some stronger than others, to prove it a farse. Look to the left of the picture. Where it lists his Comprehension...what's it say? +100 Nothing fishy about that. Look down a little though. Do you honestly think a Novice Jedi is going to have +100 Force Sensitivity. I could be wrong, but would that not come as you advance through skill trees?


The other 2 pictures are no doubt real. I've fought some NPC Dark Jedi's myself. Rough fights too.


The last picture is an obvious fake. Did a great job doctoring, just made one mistake that I could tell after looking at it for 15 seconds. He has Novice Jedi highlighted. Yet there are no abilities or commands granted. Actually, nothing is granted by Novice Jedi apparently. Sorry, other than the NPC Jedi...these are fake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not believe they are real. They did for a moment, but seeing the other posts about the miss spells and no Abilities granted thing prooves that it's wrong unless the DEV's can't spell or remember to place anything in the boxes. The Dark Jedi NPC's are real. I've been in two groups when we went after Dark Jedi on Corellia.

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Im sorry, but that image is a fake. It was doctored in some sort of photoshop program.


Evidence: One painfully obvious fact, that the creator of this image forgot...


There is NO WAY that you could become a novice Jedi and still have 220 of 250 skill points left. UH UH, I dont THINK SO!


Someone out there must think we are very dumb...


I mean... heck... I could have done that in photoshop...


plus... if you look closely... you can see blurry distortions around several of the objects in the image... this marks this as an image that has been touched up in some way... I know... I work with photoshop often.

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Well, i can say your wrong about the skill points being left.


The devs never said becoming a jedi was class based, its different for everyone. And who says the guy didn't drop every other marksmen skills, so he has only novice left (thats 15 right there), and than got the jedi novice (another 15), so lets do some math here...





works for me


the skill points could be correct. As with photoshop, I too work with it alot, its basically my job, yes it could be easily made, with some time and experience. Although I don't see any blurry distortions. If there is tho, who's not to say it could be anything, from his video card, to the game itself.

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Haden Blackman: We've yet to see any Jedi in the game, though there are some players that are close to unlocking that Force-sensitive slot. The path to becoming a Jedi is extremely difficult. But we've seen in the game -- as in the Star Wars expanded universe -- that adventurers have located ancient historical artifacts known as Jedi holocrons in certain corners the galaxy. These extremely rare devices are a repository of the knowledge and teachings of the ancient Jedi Order. They may eventually be useful in illuminating the arduous journey of both mind and body that is becoming a Jedi.
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