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Supreme Delerious newbie server


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MoD. it was on FFA deathstar, full force. I camped on the bridges kicking people off. Finally one of the buddies of the admin, [fragrock]Republic, had me kicked because I kept schooling him. He didn't even accuse me of laming, just asked the admin to kick me. I don't understand why in this game people want players better then them to be punished. He kept saying I was scripting.


^7M^1o^7D |68ms|

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I just went back in and proceeded to begin a private duel with one of their members, with fanatical newbies on all sides spamming "BAN HIM AFTER THE DUAL!!!". I just kept kicking him down and hitting him on the ground. I was banned in mid duel when I had no damage and the MoD opponent was almost dead.

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LOL! me and DrLandLuver were there yesterday. We were ffaing and land was like owning the whole server with a score of 30 after the first few minutes of that map rotation. And then, an admin comes in and shows off his leet walking skillz, kicking "lamers" as he walks around the map. Then, I pm him this message "omfg mr. admin dood your leet walking skillz owns meh" so he uses /ampunish on me and I'm suspended in the air for a few mins while he talks to me and spams his "your lack of faith disturbs me" bind.

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Originally posted by wassup

Stupid arrogant people should not be allowed to open their own server. Period. Hope this kind of stuff goes away or at least lessens a bit in JA.


(btw Hi Plazma welcome to the forums, this is Backdraft if you didn't notice yet :wavey: )


thx, bd :D How's it goin?

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