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More proof of MI5 and GF2

LeChuck lives

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As far as we know, LA have always planend for a MI5 and GF2 in the future, but as of now, no production has yet started on either. Unless some poorely translated german site knows something we dont (and no, I'm not refering to the one you just posted).

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Hmm. I translate that page as (and bear with me, my French is just a tad rusty, and this is going to be a very literal translation):


"I do not have information concerning a possible Grim Fandango 2, all I know is that LucasArts is seriously dreaming ['thinking,' perhaps?] and has declared that there are many more exploitable resources [i think that means 'stories'] in Monkey Island and Grim Fandango. Return often in your rubique [darned if I know what that means] for I am searching for that information, if you find any message ['email,' probably] it!!!"


The page on Monkey Island 5 I won't translate here, but from what I can gather, it seems to be talking about a fanfic I've read...it used to be called "Operation Guybrush," but is now just called "Monkey Island 5: The Darkness." Actually, it's changed titles quite a bit. It mentions the old title, plus a few of the plot points.

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