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Do u believe in the afterlife?

Crazy_dog no.3

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


"Here's a sobering thought: you will be resposible for the eternal resting place of every person you pass on the street, or in the hallway. You, as a christian, might be their only oppurtunity to hear the Gospel, and if you fail to share with them at least the very quick basics of Jesus Christ and his sacrafice, then they may never now the truth and when they die, will go to hell for all eternity. Their soul will be on your hands, and when the day of judgment comes, God will ask you, "Why didn't you share my Gospel with that person? Why didn't you say something?"






With all due respect, can you please post some verses to validate that statement? If I understand you correctly, then I have to question why an Almighty God would leave, quite literally, the eternal fate of the entire world in the hands of a imperfect people. I personally believe that my job is to be ready and available to move with God when He moves around be. I don't have to be the Savior of the world: He's done that already! This thread is an excellent example. I didn't start this thread, but I felt that maybe some good could come out of it if I posted a bit. And sure enough, Havoc, the friendly debate that you and I have going is exposing others to our faith (and perhaps whetting their appetite). Did that make any sense to you?:(

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

i am sorry but there is no after live.


you are just plian dead you can't think anymore you can't breath you can do nofing you aren't there anymore.


wierd, that there is nofing anymore but that's the dead...

everything stops.


so next time you see a bug, let it live. :)


awwwww man!!!! and here i was...believing in an afterlife.....how foolish of me. :( *hangs self with telephone cord-just to make sure*

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

i am sorry but there is no after live.


you are just plian dead you can't think anymore you can't breath you can do nofing you aren't there anymore.


wierd, that there is nofing anymore but that's the dead...

everything stops.


so next time you see a bug, let it live. :)


You don't know that. And there is no way to find out until you die. I believe you should live a good life no matter what. That way you have nothing to lose. If there is a heaven or hell, you'll go to one of them. And if there is nothing like that, nothing happens.

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Ah yes but if u die and there isn't an afterlife, whether it be heaven, hell, Allah's home (heaven?), reincarnation (?), Valhalla or even Planet Zwinzyzwog, u won't know it. It's like if u fall asleep. U don't know u're asleep, because, well, u're not awake to know it. Unless it is that strange dream I had 2 nights ago where I was dreaming that I was in a dream. :confused::rolleyes::D


I agree with the "lead a good life just in case" thing several of u have said tho.

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