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So ask yourself, did they screw up?


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So do you think they screwed up with the balance to the point where no ones going to use single saber?


If you base things off the movies then 90% of jedi should be using a single saber. Im sure 90% of people will be using something other then the single saber when the game comes out but if they did the balancing right then single saber should end up being the 'best' and thus, most used. We can only hope.


Personally I would think single saber would be since the 3 strances would allow you to adapt to various people. My biggest worry with the game is that it'll end up like Jedi Outcast where pretty much everyone does the same thing over and over because its the best. In jedi outcast this thing was heavy stance because it was so powerful. Turned a lightsaber combat into a baseball game (because heavy stance really did seem like swinging a baseball bat)

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Well, we already have a perfectly good thread going here that discusses issues about the 3 saber modes and stances, so why not post your thoughts in there?


I really don't see a need for two threads on the same subject, so this one is being closed. Please remember to check other threads prior to posting new topics. Thanks. :cool:

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