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A Good Idea???

von Kluge

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Well, I have been wandering around aimlessly and thought I should do something constructive. Like come up with ideas for SWG. The one that I thought was best, was libraries. Are there libraries already in the game? If not than I think they would be neat to have heres how it could work: New Artisan> Scholar. Scholars can gain XP by writing books, or translating books from say Wookie to Twi'lek. Library graphics would have to be up to devs of course, but I think it should be something like on SWII: AotC. When Obi Wan searches for the missing planet in the Jedi database. But in any case. Here how I believe it would be cool to see it. Ltzing wandering around aimlessly :) Decides that he need to read up on a somehting important say the history of Wookies. He heads on over to the Library and searches a database using keywords (History+Wookies). It comes up with a list of titles or descriptions with those keywords.


History of the Wookies by XXXXX

Wookies: A Histroy by ZZZZZZ

The History of the Wookie People by CCCCC




You pick one and it opens up a datapad actually written by that player. THis would be cool. Some downsides and possible fixes.


-Players write stupid stories: It is true......We cannot all write novels. So stories should not have a certain length to conform to, but should instead be checked for the content in their stories. Stories should be submitted to a Master Artisan in control of the Library. He then checks the book out and will see if they should be added to the archives or not. If some "illegal" books keep "accidentally" getting through the Master can be checked out and if he is purposley letting certain books through than he should lose his Master title and be removed from the position along with any datapads that were in question to be erased. This would be effective for the players to pass on knowledge and maybe even write some actual decent stories for our game. Translations would also be pretty cool, especially when they make it so everyone doesn't know all languages the first 24 hours of playing. Feedback please............




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Well obviously not quite very popular, but I STILL think it would be cool to have. I appreciate your opinions (hmmmff.... :) ) but could you guys please add at least SOMETHING to show me what it is that you don't like. This would be nice at least to have. And for the record he is not a librarian.....he's a scholar :)


is there any way in the game to write things down in say datapads, and let other people have them? I would think something like this would be fun...



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you could sell your books as a scholar, and while sure not everyone out there would care about having ltzing's A History of the Wookies, or Soromonu's Translation of The Newbie's Guide from it's original Twi'leki version. I for one would, and there are other RPG'ers out there who would also. I am not asking particularly for the SCHOLAR profession, actually that wasn't really on my mind, I was just lookin for someone to write books. But It would suffice if we could just have a way of making personal datapads, and they are also written in different languages, (or appear to be at least). This would make the game at least a little more interactive, and I was basically using libraries (something I would love also) and the scholar profession as mainly a build-on of the base idea of writing sutff down.



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Okay, maybe I'm the one reading this wrong, but guys, it looks more like he's not suggesting a new profession, but rather some filler. Just something to add a little more depth to the game.


My opinions:


1) Not a bad idea, but books are outdated. Everything is holovid in SW.


2) No one would want to be the 'Librarian'.


3) The developers would NEVER allow this. It's just way too much work for them to check things like this. Especially when it will have so much free-form text.

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Deft you read correctly, I was trying to point out that it wasn't the profession I was trying idea I was trying to sell, but merely the book idea, with the scholar as an afterthought. And they wouldn't really be like books per se, but if you remeber in AotC, the Jedi Academy had some book shelves full of holo's. (or boks) this is what I am talking about.:fett:

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I think it is a really cool idea, and is pretty creative :clap2: , but the downside is that, as stated above it would be way too much work for the devs when everyone else wants the expansion out and vehicles and the space parts. Maybe when the game gets on its feet and there are no too many bugs and the expansion is out its something to think about just for fun :D, but until then I dont think it would work out.

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