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late night duke fest - GUNNER (Stone Cold GUNNAH) vs. STTCT (Shannon)


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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, Shannon's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 31 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH blasts:

I know, that is the worst part. Some times I think about going back to swing shift.

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Spreading his arms in a fit of rage, Stone Cold GUNNAH casts Psychic Overload on Shannon and deals 38 points of damage. Psychic Overload also attempts to heal Stone Cold GUNNAH's wounds. Psychic Overload is successful and heals 50 HP while costing 100 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
Stone Cold GUNNAH blasts:

Thats why I don't go back. :) so here we are. Stuck...

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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Shannon 28 points of damage. Shannon has died!!
Stone Cold GUNNAH shouts:

enough to keep ya awake? :) I sit at a machine and surf all night. Gets boring real fast

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