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assets0.pk3 Help!!


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I'm trying to edit some sounds out of this file for my home gaming network and when I edit this assets0.pk3 file, I make sure I save it after I'm done, but the problem is, when other people try to load up my map I get an error message"ERROR UNVALID FOLDERNAME" This happens only when I change the .pk3 file. Do I need to make a MOD instead, and if so, how would I do this?



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First of all, this question should probably go in the "General Editing" forum. You might get more help there.


But I'll try to give a quick version of what you might do. You don't need to alter the assets0.pk3 file in any way. Do the following steps (this is off the top of my head, so bare with me):


1. open up assets0.pk3 in winzip or something equivalent. For this example I will use Winzip.


2. find all the sounds you want to edit and extract them to some directory (which I'll call "yourdirectory". Make sure that the directories are included when you extract the files. e.g. if the sound you want to extract is in sounds/players/kyle/, extract it so that it end up in yourdirectory/sounds/players/kyle/


3. Edit the sounds the way you want.


4. create a new empty zip file. Now click "Add" and go to "yourdirectory". Now click on the "sounds" directory and click "Add with wildcards". This should put all the required files in the zip file with the proper directories.


5. Rename the zip file so that the extention is ".pk3". Place this .pk3 file in your Jedi Outcast "GameData/base" directory. These edited files should now be used in JO. Note: It's best to name you .pk3 file with a word starting with B or later, for reasons I really don't want to explain here :)


Try that out. If you have problems, let me know.

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Well yeah I know I should have, but I tried that last week and nobody and I mean nobody replied. All I got was people looking at my question, but nobody responding.


All I really wanted to do is take the sound effects for FORCE SEEING, SPEED, and MIND TRICK out of the pk3 file, my brother-in-law and I don't like to hear them because we can always hear each other use them and that lets us know where each other are. I edited it and used it on a server with AI BOTS and it worked, I didn't hear the sounds and I could SPEED,SEE and use the MIND TRICK. But, when I try to get another computer a LIVE person to see the server as it starts to load, that is when it gave me that error message.


Thanks for your reply, do I need to do what you said above inorder to get this to work or what?

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Originally posted by POrwig

All I really wanted to do is take the sound effects for FORCE SEEING, SPEED, and MIND TRICK out of the pk3 file, my brother-in-law and I don't like to hear them because we can always hear each other use them and that lets us know where each other are. I edited it and used it on a server with AI BOTS and it worked, I didn't hear the sounds and I could SPEED,SEE and use the MIND TRICK. But, when I try to get another computer a LIVE person to see the server as it starts to load, that is when it gave me that error message.


Thanks for your reply, do I need to do what you said above inorder to get this to work or what?

If you are actually deleting the sounds from assets0.pk3 then this is what is giving you the problem. When the game goes to get the sound, it expects the file to be there. If it no longer exists then it will get confused and crash. You need those files in there. You might get away with it when playing bots, but you won't against another players because his game is looking for those files.


What I would do is for Step 3 above you would take the files you've extracted (Note: extract is not delete, it is merely getting copies out) and edit them so that you can no longer hear the sound. So essentially turn the sound's volume down and follow the same steps. Once you have the new .pk3 with the quiet sounds, put them in your base directory and give a copy to you friend and have him put it in his base directory as well.


Then when the game goes to get the "push" sound for example, it plays the sound that is too quiet to hear.

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Thank you very much, I'll try that.


I know Rumor that, that is the whole point. But that is our point, we want to be both sneaky and stealthy at the same time. This is on our HOME network only, not our Pure or Dedicated Server.

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