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Hair Animations ??


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Will there be hair animations, say like if you were female and had long hair will it like wave around as you ran ?

Or if your a T'wliek (sp) will the long things that, whatever there called, move around ?


If there not in JA, maybe they should consider these things for the next JK game. :)

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Those tail things are called lekku. FYI


And that would be really cool, but probably graphics heavy. Maybe the 9600pro card could handle that but a tnt2...no way.

I guess maybe it would depend on how accurately its done (accounting for wind direction/speed/gusts..etc) A simple movement could be handled by the minimal req graphics cards but the more precise you get the more graphics power youd need.

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Well, it's hard to see in the trailers, but for the Twi'lek at least, the lekku don't appear to move. They just stretch a little bit to allow for the position of the character's head, but the ends don't go flopping around, and that's a bit disappointing. Although as stated above, the overhead on calculating their position (for realistic movement) would probably be prohibitive. Even so...a standard left/right motion would have sufficed.

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Originally posted by Obi-Wan X

Sadly we won't see it, but it seems to be done in such a way that it doesnt look crappy.


But im sure things such as ragdoll physics and model animations will be something we'll see in the future titles (on different engines more than likely).

But, there is a ragdoll skeleton for JA.

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