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I'm considering purchasing stormtrooper armor...

Tibi Darkmoon

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actually, believe it or not, chitin is terrible for energy blockin..if you want a cheap energy blocker, get bone armor. may sound wierd but it is the best. ill tell you about composite later..i just got a set. also. find a personal shield generator. they help out a good bit also.

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I refuse animately to use armor. I have a high end personal shield generator...have for about a month now, but it costs more to get it fixed than it does to just heal myself when I get hurt. I used it in one battle and it went down 350 point out of 1,000.


In any event, Darktroopers are not the ones with the orange shoulder pads. They are the extremely tall STs in white. No, seriously, I thought that was odd too, but when one of my members gave me one, I pulled him out, and pulled out one of my STs, he was about three feet taller. The ones you are referrring to are Storm Commandos I believe.


I'll look into the ST armor stats for you.

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From what I've seen Composite and Stormtrooper armor is the same with the exception of HAM costs. Stormtrooper armor costs less HAM. And I was told, not sure how true, you have to be declared in order to have it equiped.


I'm currently saving for my second AT-ST before I get a set of Stormtrooper armor. I'm happy with my composite. :atat:

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Originally posted by Roo'edi

From what I've seen Composite and Stormtrooper armor is the same with the exception of HAM costs. Stormtrooper armor costs less HAM. And I was told, not sure how true, you have to be declared in order to have it equiped.


I'm currently saving for my second AT-ST before I get a set of Stormtrooper armor. I'm happy with my composite. :atat:


Hey I'm new to the forum, but ya, I got st armor, and it pwnz the heck out of all armor. I'm jsut afraid that I will have no points left. I had chittin armor and never checked, and then one day, it was 0/1000. LOL! So I just gotta learn how to repair armor or get someone to do it before it reaches 0. But deffinitly get it. Well, you said purchase, if you can I strongly recommend you do, cuz it took me 2 weeks.

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Originally posted by kqeda

Hey I'm new to the forum, but ya, I got st armor, and it pwnz the heck out of all armor. I'm jsut afraid that I will have no points left. I had chittin armor and never checked, and then one day, it was 0/1000. LOL! So I just gotta learn how to repair armor or get someone to do it before it reaches 0. But deffinitly get it. Well, you said purchase, if you can I strongly recommend you do, cuz it took me 2 weeks.

Thats becuase rebels are lame.

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