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zelda 41

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Status Updates posted by zelda 41

  1. or so we'd hope X3

  2. oh lol

    not those jmac things xP

  3. -nods-

    jmac's in the cornor, doing his jmac things.

  4. thanks

    yeah, i didn't notice that until now :rofl:

  5. ahaha, that's probably not a good thing XP

  6. ah, okay.

    so i'll just stay scared.

  7. oh dear god.

    who's red hawke? '-'

  8. not well >.<

    RD was no mods, or mods who didn't care what you did. But Atho is mods around every cornor. gotta watch my tongue now.

  9. yeah... :l

  10. i only think he has goons. sad

  11. ah yeah. although he's gotton a tad annoying lately.

    i'll just say he's not my "favorite" person right now. C:

  12. I'm doin' fine, just moving forums since Jmac basicly 'over lulz'd' Razputin Domains.

  13. My plan all along >:3

  14. whut be up ave? :3

  15. ....i need more friends. '-'

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