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Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. Good luck with getting a scripter that suits your needs.

  2. Here's the link to Prime and Xavier's robe mod that Dak Drexl was talking about in your request thread:




  3. Don't be afraid to post too! ;)

  4. Are you on Yahoo Messenger or Skype?

  5. Stoney is busy behind on the scenes on multiple things. I suggest offering assistance to newbiemodder. Perhaps you could beta test his Korriban Expansion?

  6. In my last PM, I meant the picture design at the top of that thread . . . sorry if I was confusing . . .

  7. WCH, could you change the link you recently posted in the TSLRCM thread to the one that has the Nar Shaddaa fix built into it? I'm on a phone so I can't post a link but Stoney posted the link for that version at the new Deadly Stream site. Linking to that version will save the team dozens of questions.

  8. I am out of state right now and won't be back until late tomorrow night.

  9. Thanks for taking it up in the first place! Trust me - I'm in no rush. ;)

  10. By the way - as soon as I can find the link - I may have a suggestion on what your students should be wearing in your Sith University

  11. That's what Sith Holocrons do! That and kill people! LOL

  12. Check your email with commentary - with pictures!

  13. You'll have a extensive commentary about it all coming to you probably somethime later tonight - complete with screen grabs.

  14. I got down to the Valley Floor and eventually got into the Academy. There was a part I wound get locked up on but I'll have to replay that part to figure out what the problem was . . .


    I also thought I caught a few spelling errors. I can take screen caps, if you like.

  15. Might you post a new copy of the District 9 gun showing the replacement for the exclamation point icon? I'm curious as to how that looks.

  16. I found the datapad on the table behind the holocron but I was unsure what to do next. Nothing was different about either the Valley of the Dark Lords or the Shyrack Cave. What did I miss?

  17. Why does the mod take so long to install?

  18. Already saw Inception - good movie!


    Not sending to Stoney too?


    Movie starting soon! Catch ya later.

  19. I haven't had the chance to look at it yet but I have downloaded it. I'm seeing two movies today but I'll likely take a peek at it after I come home. Has anyone else have any input on it yet?

  20. I bet that District 9 assault rifle will be hell to texture. Looks great in the autocad.

  21. Is Doc Valentine a contributor now?

  22. Check your regular e-mail . . .

  23. That is correct, sir! (but just one - "scarletguard")

  24. It's listed as private

  25. I won't be able to check it until after 430PM (Pacific Time) tomorrow.

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